#gsr more than a boss to me
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I was just listening to the DVD commentary on the Snakes episode and I know Grissom and Sara's scene (the only scene they're present in this Nick-centric ep) is big--obviously shipper nirvana--but the commentary by George Eads and the rest (I think one of the writers and either a director or producer) added so much weight that I'd never considered before!
So, Eads remarks on how Sara is the only one who ever talks to Grissom that way. This is, as she really dials up the husky, soft voice she adopts with Grissom. Eads also observes that Grissom is always himself with her, i.e. more of a nerd and rather stripped bare in a way he never is with anyone else. They all make comments on how emotional the scene is and how revealing it is of their relationship because, as always, Sara is 'putting it [her attraction and ongoing interest] out there'. She is never shy about wanting him. (I really need to transcribe the commentaries.)
But Eads keeps coming back to the idea that Grissom is more Grissom or is more himself with her than with any of the others. I'd add that it is not only the fact of their professional position that makes him freeze with her--I think Grissom is talking about himself when he asserts that some men are intimidated by beauty.
You know what magic, Grissom!
Anyways, something I hadn't thought of is that Grissom almost says something back, such as "Let’s go to dinner." But, of course, Sara overtalks and halts his momentum such as it were. But even more, it made me realize how pivotal this scene is, even compared to the Nesting Dolls reveal of her childhood trauma, because this is the moment when Grissom knows 100% that he isn't too late. The flirting takes on a different dimension after this. The looks become more meaningful.
This is especially significant when you consider that ealier in the season, the writers and producers are talking about the explicit intro of Sofia as a romantic interest for Grissom. She was there to create tension and her chemistry with Grissom was very much not subtext. So the decision to make 'this thing' with Sara more solid in the presence of this new love interest adds to the dynamic more than ever. Because the chemistry with Sofia is too easy and too simple. He's too smooth with her. He knows what to say to her at a given moment, because he has no interest in Sofia romantically and doesn't feel threatened by her. She really is just a colleague he doesn't hate. Ultimately, Sofia doesn't leave him speechless the way Sara does. He is not 'himself' when he is with her. Sara, on the other hand, always renders him vulnerable, which of course is why he distanced himself from her in season three, as he realized in four.
And we can see how Sara's effect on him is unique when looking at his other love interests: he does have speechless moments with Terri but by the end, no so much--perhaps there is a sense that while he is attracted intellectually, and somewhat sexually, there is no sentiment after all. With Heather, he never is at a loss for words, which leaves me to lean towards the notion that he was indeed never involved with her romantically--but, perhaps, it is her who makes him discover that sex without love makes him sad whether through conversation or more... In other words, grissom is typically putting on an air with other people. He's fully insulated against them and can act out the persona of an assured, curated Grissom, the bossman, the tin man, the nerd, the professor, the mentor, the father figure, etc.
But with Sara, he is exposed.
#gsr more than a boss to me#gsr#csi musings#gil grissom#sara sidle#sara x grissom#csi#otp: gsr#just otp shit#jorja fox#billy petersen#william petersen
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i’m sure you’ve written about this before, but i would love your perspective on the age-gap between GSR - not in a ‘is it good or bad?’ sense, just in how it affects their relationship.
because on one hand, i think that on a day-to-day basis they don’t think about it at all. (particularly once we reach the end of the show, when sara is in her mid 40s and grissom in his late fifties, the difference is pretty much negligible). but on the other, we have sara saying she ‘looks for validation in inappropriate places’ and grissom’s ‘younger woman’ monologue in butterflied. when they meet she’s a student and he’s a professor; then later on he’s the boss and she’s the subordinate.
personally to me GSR is much more a ‘kindred spirits’ relationship than a ‘the boss and the hot young woman’ relationship but at the same time that fifteen-year difference is definitely there. i’m just interested in how you feel that informs - or doesn’t inform - their whole relationship.
hi, anon!
so i have two different metas that touch on the age gap issue:
this one conjectures on whether or not the age gap plays a role in grissom’s initial reluctance to be with sara.
this one considers whether or not the age gap is ever a problem once grissom and sara are actually together.
more discussion after the "keep reading," if you're interested.
to answer your question more specifically:
i, like you, tend to believe the age gap plays more of a role in their dynamic before they get together than it does once they’re actually a couple.
as discussed in the posts linked above, i think prior to when they start dating, sara is somewhat concerned grissom will look down on her for being “immature,” and she is so largely because she misjudges grissom’s level of romantic/sexual experience, based on his age. she sees him as this dashing, worldly older man who knows his way around the block and worries she will come across as some naïve, young ingénue by comparison. she doesn’t want grissom to think she doesn’t know what she’s doing, which is why she uncomplainingly tolerates a lot of his more maddening behaviors (and particularly his chronic unwillingness to commit)—i.e., for the sake of convincing him she’s “cool” and can “keep up.”
meanwhile, on grissom’s side of things, he does harbor fears about how his and sara’s age gap might affect her willingness to stay with him in the long term, were they ever to get together. while he is fairly assured of her feelings for him at present, when they’re officially unattached—because she’s not exactly quiet about them, after all—he can’t help but wonder what might happen if he and sara actually were to end up as a committed couple someday. sure, she may be fine with the idea of being with an older man now, when he’s in his forties, but what about as he ages? as a twenty- and thirtysomething, issues like declining health and mobility probably aren’t even really on sara’s radar at the moment, but grissom worries someday they might have to be, on his account. particularly as he grapples with hearing loss during s2/s3, he can’t help but picture a day when he is elderly and potentially disabled and sara is still middle-aged and on-the-go. how would she react if he could no longer keep up with her? would she still want him then? and especially if there were things she might want in her life he (due to age) might be unable to give her—like children or adventure or even just an active lifestyle? he has always been afraid if sara gets close to him, she will eventually recognize his inadequacies and her love for him will cool, and his concerns about his age definitely factor in to that fear for him.
*cue lana del rey singing “will you still love me when i'm no longer young and beautiful?” here*
of course, in addition to their hang-ups regarding how the age gap might affect any potential relationship between them from within, i also believe, prior to getting together, they—and i'm talking 99% about grissom here—have some concerns about how it also might come into play from without, specifically in terms of optics.
grissom knows how older men dating women young enough to be their daughters tend to be looked at by society at large, so while he is himself no larry king or mick jagger, he’s fearful he might be seen as one, were he and sara to get together. (just check out his wince when catherine and brass’s mockery of the may-december couple in episode 03x03 “let the seller beware” hits a bit too close to home for him.) he’s also aware of how such a relationship might negatively affect sara’s reputation, especially on a professional level, and is loath to subject her to that particular brand of slander.
while on sara’s end of things, she is less concerned with “how things appear,” she also isn’t entirely oblivious to the fact grissom does care about that kind of stuff, especially after she overhears his monologue at the end of episode 04x12 “butterflied” and so has to care herself by proxy; she gets he has some serious inhibitions about being with a younger woman, which makes her somewhat cautious about how she might be perceived in relation to him on his behalf—which is at least part of why she is willing to keep their relationship on the dl for so long once they finally do get together (i.e., to spare him of having to confront his fears for her sake).
of course, all of the above said, i think these fears are eventually allayed for the both of them.
in sara’s case, she gets over her fears of being "too green for grissom" because she finally realizes where grissom is concerned, his age does not necessarily translate to experience. while he may have fifteen years on her, he isn’t at all the don juan she had initially imagined him to be. just as she has to this point never had a serious long-term relationship, neither has he.
hell, he may even have less sexual experience than she does!
hearing his confession to dr. lurie during episode 04x12 “butterflied” offers her some first hints as to the fact he has no more idea what he’s doing in love than she does, but, frankly, i think the thing which really helps her to place her old misconceptions regarding him to bed is simply just being with him, for realsies.
once she finally starts seeing him up close (and especially in intimate contexts), i think baby girl finally realizes just how artless grissom is when it comes to romance, and contrary to what he might fear, she isn’t disappointed by his general lack of experience but rather charmed by it and even relieved. for so long, she had thought he was playing chess while she was playing checkers, but now she realizes he was never really (purposefully) playing any game at all; he was just fumbling along.
and upon coming to that conclusion, i think she is no longer daunted by him being older because, frankly, it doesn’t matter—because it’s not like he has had decades and decades of experiences she hasn’t. he is literally just figuring things out in real time alongside her, which is very comforting to know.
then, on grissom’s side of things, i think the thing which helps him overcome his fears about sara potentially rejecting him once he becomes “too old for her” is just her dogged persistence in wanting to be with him and the passage of time.
after so many years of them working together and her continually pursuing him, it becomes clear to grissom hers is not just a passing interest. she’s not just a young woman infatuated with her former teacher—which, side note, he was never her actual professor, just the guy who ran a seminar she attended at a professional conference—and her attraction to him isn’t based in ignorance of who he really is or what he can (and cannot) offer.
while he had always feared the more she got to know him, the less she would like him, the opposite is true. she spends 5+ years in vegas looking at him with eyes wide open, seeing all of his flaws and failings up close, watching him age in real time, and her desire for him never diminishes but rather grows into a deep, grounded love; one which compels her to stick with him, even when he has been less than at his best within her view many, many times over. the fact she sticks around that way finally after many years convinces grissom she knows what she’s getting into and will face the future by his side, whatever it may hold.
as for his concerns about what others may think of the age gap, i think grissom forgets them around the same time he realizes he cares more about making sara happy than he does about anything else—i.e., circa the events of episode 05x13 “nesting dolls.” at that point, he just seems to make an active decision he no longer cares about what being with sara might do to his career and/or reputation; all he cares about is showing her the love she deserves, regardless of what anyone else may say, you know? furthermore, since she doesn't seem to care about how a relationship between them might affect her reputation and is willing to accept whatever consequences there are, he follows her lead.
of course, it does also help matters that for the first few years he and sara are together, their relationship remains a secret at work, so they don’t actually face any scrutiny down those (or any) lines from their coworkers—and by the time they finally do make their relationship public, he’s already largely over the whole issue, no longer bothered by it because he’s so blissfully happy being with sara, no matter what anyone else thinks.
as for how the age gap actually comes into play once grissom and sara are together, as stated above, 90% of the time, i don’t think it factors in at all—aside from maybe in the form of some good-natured intergenerational teasing, of the kind we see in episode 07x02 “built to kill” pt. ii.
while grissom and sara may occasionally have different frames of reference for pop culture, honestly, all other age-related discrepancies in their relationship are fairly negligible. between grissom being a something of a social novice for his age and sara being an old soul for hers, they meet up fairly nicely in the middle. though they may occasionally discuss variances in his upbringing in the 60s vs. hers in the 70s and 80s in an anthropological way, they’re squared enough on their worldviews, politics, life philosophies, core values, interests, hobbies, etc., regardless of generation or age, they just generally align.
the only place i can ever see the age gap as being at all more of a pressing issue between them is in terms of their future planning and some difficult conversations they may end up having to have.
while all spouses regardless of age should talk about issues like power of attorney, advance directives, organ donation, end of life and palliative care wishes, life insurance, funerary and burial preferences, legal wills, etc., for may-december couples like grissom and sara, those discussions can take on an air of urgency and even inevitability that can be difficult to swallow, especially for the younger partner.
grissom is pragmatic enough i'm sure he’d want sara to be prepared for what might be waiting around the corner for them, in terms of his health and life expectancy. however, i can’t imagine it’d be very easy for sara to talk about those eventualities with him, and especially not in a brass-tacks kind of “here are my wishes and here’s what i'm leaving you and here’s what i hope for you once i'm gone” kind of way.
while she manages to deflect away from the topic at the end of episode 06x24 “way to go” deftly enough (“i'm not ready to say goodbye”), there would come a point when grissom would want to sit down and actually talk though the ins and outs, and she might have a very hard time reckoning with some of what he has to say to her, even though she knows—on a logical level—what he’s saying is all valid.
the same might also be true to a lesser degree when the time comes to discuss grissom's retirement. of course, he's long gotten out of the csi game, but what about when he's ready to stop being an active conservationist (and particularly given the job is integral to his and sara's seafaring lifestyle)? would she still want to keep working after he called things quits once and for all? or would she take an early retirement with him? if she didn't retire with him, how would such an arrangement work?
of course, it's never quite clear how grissom and sara make money on the ishmael, but there are practical concerns to consider regarding savings and having enough to live on not just for the rest of his life but hers.
likewise, given the rigors of seagoing, they might also have to mull moving inland at some point, depending on grissom's health.
outside of those few and far between “tough talks,” though, i think most of the time, grissom and sara pay little mind to their age gap overall and are probably only really reminded of it when others perhaps react to it—which, honestly, most likely happens less and less the older they both get, and especially sara.
like you say, especially by the time sara is in her fifties, i think the difference not only feels insignificant to them on the inside of their relationship but also looks insignificant to onlookers on the outside, too.
though the gap might eventually come more to bear as grissom ages, i think for a long, long time, it's just a nonfactor—something to occasionally smirk about but on the whole infinitely less important than someone uninitiated might suppose.
fifteen years or no, they're just so intensely compatible with each other, the time doesn't really much matter.
soulmates are forever.
thanks for the question! please feel welcome to send another any time.
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Welcome! GSR is back and hopefully so is my energy, as I bring what might be my most solid WIP introduction to date. Take a peek at what torture I will be putting my poor main character Melandra through, and a little bit of what I’ve been rambling about in flash fiction fridays for the past few months!
My inbox is always open for questions about this wip (which is currently in its second attempt at the second draft). Now, please excuse me as I try to find my taglist for this wip to reblog it with.
[Image IDs under the cut just because a lot of text]
ID: A series of seven slides detailing a wip introduction. The first slide has a picture of a thick spruce forest in the background, with the words “Ghosts of the Steel Road: a WIP Reintroduction”. The rest of the slides have a dark green background. The text on each slide follows.
Slide 2: “Murders in a city’s veins”
Zarothe- a port city forcing itself to hug the coast, where the buildings and factories soar high to cope with its strict borders and rising prominence in the world
The Steel Road- the only road leading from the city inland, connecting Zarothe with the rest of its mother country, Craece. Any goods coming in or out of the city must travel down this road, which is tightly protected by the city police
What happens when a sudden string of murders haunt the road, destabilizing the city and striking fear at what is meant to be one of the biggest festivals in Craece? Is it connected to the wars bubbling across the ocean, or something more sinister?
Slide 3: “Godfrey, a name to be remembered“
Melandra- the kind of person who rather work in the shadows than lead. Claims to prefer her life of barely scraping by, but has grown frustrated by the money from her father’s work never seeming to add up right, and truly does not have a way out of this life as long as her father is still around.
Michael- Melandra’s father, a detective, and a broken man. Has not been the same since the White Dragon’s Plague, where he lost both his wife and son, and nearly his daughter. Instructs Melandra to never, ever speak of his work trips to anyone, fearing what some may do knowing he’s away
Slide 4: “But they are not alone”
Alia- a dressmaker and magic researcher that Melandra has called a friend for a long time
Kowyn- Alia’s fiance, who also has a few magical tricks up his sleeve
Janette- the daughter of Michael Godfrey’s discarded colleague and a general annoyance to Melandra, trying to make her see the ways of driving change and action in the world
Caspian- a stranger that finds his story becoming entangled with Melandra’s, while coming to terms with his past and the pain he has dealt upon others
Eden- the mysterious figure that haunts Caspian’s life, sending him to deliver a letter that would finally force Melandra to emerge from the shadows
Lilith- Melandra’s boss and mentor, who seems to know a bit more than she lets on as she guides Melandra to make the decision that could kill her
Slide 5: “A false prophecy“
Cult activity has been reported along the Steel Road, rumors swirling in the newspapers of their connections to the string of murders
Hearing of cult activity is not exactly new for the citizens of Zarothe; all around the world the streaks of blood fueling progress have led to many claiming that the end is near, and to follow them for salvation
But a cult being so close to home is new, and a dramatic prophecy stretching years and involving the extinction of species may turn some heads and spark some action, if only someone were to smuggle the prophet’s words away from the cult
Slide 6: “What is brought to the page“
A disaster bisexual, an awkward thief, two researchers that have probably broken more laws than the thief, and multiple people trying to play god walk into a forest
Casual attempts at the murder of entire endangered species
Just a few stab wounds
Murderous yarn creatures whose existence violate multiple international treaties
An author trying to entice you with the idea that this is a serious and cool WIP, only to give you a snarky narrator and maybe some emotions
Slide 7: “The Dreaded Taglist“
A fair warning: this writer is very bad at remembering taglists, but we’re getting there
Only remembers to post something worthy of a taglist like, once every two months, but next semester may not be as bad so watch out
Ask to join!
End ID.
#writeblr#writblr#writing#am writing#wip#writing wip#fantasy wip#wip intro#wip introduction#wip reintroduction#fantasy writing
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CSI 7.02 Built to kill, pt. 2
I love this moment. I feel so sorry for Catherine, in this episode. She’s always the strong woman and to see her frial hurts me. On the other side, I love the connection between her and Sara shown in this scene. Warrick has always been Catherine favorite, but this is something different, it’s woman thing, and I love the fact that she calls Sara, instead of Warrick. The relationship between Catherine and Sara has never been a great success, since the very beginning. However, this scene displays how both of them have grown, or at least how Catherine thinks Sara has grown. And this has an additional relevance since the audience knows of Grissom and Sara’s relationship - which makes Sara a woman, more than a girl in love with her boss. The fact that Catherine asks Sara to keep the thing between them is evidence of how much Catherine trusts Sara - making understand how their relationship has grown over the years.
Last but not least, when I see this scene I always wonder: would Sara tell Grissom about this? Later in the episode we see Catherine talking about this with Grissom: “I should have told you” she says. So did Sara indeed never told Grissom about what happened to Catherine or she told him making him promise not to tell Catherine he already knew? I’m not sure which one of these scenarios I like the most: the first theory would highlight the bond between Sara and Catherine, and how much value Sara gives to friendship (at the expense of GSR in some way?); the second one would be such an evidence of how intimate GSR is, with Sara favoring the “partner Grissom” to the “boss Grissom”.
#csi#csiedit#catherine willows#sara sidle#marg helgenberg#jorja fox#csi 7x02#csi crime scene investigation#csi cbs#gsr
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CSI/GSR: Long vs. Short Term Arcs
Okay, this is very off the cuff and inspired to some degree by @addictedtostorytelling and the discussion of Morgan and Greg and Hodges. Some stray things:
We know that the only thing decided about Sara Sidle pre-show was that she was meant to be Grissom's love interest.
At some point, before CSI continued to be a ratings juggernaut that Zuiker figured Grissom would go deaf, and that would be how the show would end.
When Grissom turned Sara down in Play With Fire, TPTB had decided that was going to be the end of that.
Things no one could have predicted:
The overwhelming worldwide success of the show, necessitating a workable resolution to Grissom's deaf storyline.
That no matter what, whenever Grissom and Sara are onscreen together, there is "something" there.
Billy and Jorja both were invested in GSR.
It seems to me the combination of the above is what gave us Season 4. In terms of GSR, a case could be made that they were starting all over again in a serialized novel sort of way.
Now I confess to knowing absolutely nothing about the Harry Potter novels, but, in my youth, thanks to Masterpiece Theatre, I did read all of The Forsyte Saga and Trollope's Palliser novels. What serialized novels have in common is that, for the most part, each novel stands on its own, but the author feels the need to continue to explore aspects of his characters beyond the original scope of the original novel.
In that regard, I suppose we could see 1-3 as a kind of GSR entity on its own. Grissom gets promoted and brings the girl he loves to Vegas, only to discover he can't have both the job and the girl. Beginning in 2, Grissom has two simultaneous arcs: the fear of going deaf and his unresolved feelings for Sara, with the first further compounding the complications associated with the second. What he doesn't discover until season 3 is that his "push me/pull me" relationship with Sara drives her to another man, a fact which utterly devastates him to an extent he could never have imagined.
Still, it is the deaf arc that is of more overriding concern: if he can't hear, he not only loses his job but also his entire sense of self at that point in time. Resolving his feelings for Sara will have to be backburnered, so he decides not to punish her for getting a life, as, at that point, he has no life to offer her, since he's not even sure what his life will be.
Meanwhile, back in Saraland, she discovers Hank is a dog and ends the relationship. If GSR were bad soap opera, the fact that Sara was seeing Hank would have been seen as a primary impediment. The thing is it never was. To me it's just one more nail in the Sara low self-esteem coffin. Also, if it were soap, the lab explosion and Grissom's unconscious revelation of his feelings for her would have led to some kind of positive resolution. The problem is that Grissom's deaf arc is still in play, not to mention all of his other relationship with Sara fears.
Sara misreads the situation; she thinks, finally, he might be ready to take the plunge, but she's completely wrong. By bringing their relationship to an either/or position, she basically pushes him into outright rejecting her, thus ending this phase of their arc. Ironically, Grissom's deaf arc gets resolved in the very next episode, but, by then, he really thinks it is "too late."
The thing about 4, besides it being incredibly hard to watch Sara descend into the abyss, is that, for the first time, the show makes it unequivocally clear that Grissom is both sexually attracted to Sara and in love with her. (The first doesn't always imply the second, although we learn later, for Grissom, it does.)
While Homebodies explores Grissom's fears that he won't ever be able to keep his loved one (Sara) safe--perhaps foreshadowing--Invisible Evidence certainly spells it out that his attraction to her is as physical as it is intellectual and emotional. I doubt anyone could watch those "pin me down" seconds out of context and not think that was a man who was about to fuck the shit out of her. (Of course in context it can't happen, but the desire is certainly there.)
Overall, however, outside of that, Grissom goes out of his way to distance himself from Sara: that "too late" thing again. Then the show throws Butterflied at us (and him), wherein it is made abundantly clear he is in love with her and regrets turning her down. What he doesn't know is that she hears everything he says, which twists the knife. She wasn't wrong: he does have feelings for her, only those feelings aren't strong enough for him to risk it, to take a chance on love.
So what we have for the rest of 4 is Grissom continuing to distance himself from Sara under the misguided belief that he has killed any feelings she had for him, while she continues to sink into depression and alcohol dependence. Given his distancing, he seems unaware that something isn't right with her until late in the season, and then it hits him between the eyes and in the gut in Bloodlines.
In a weird way, 4-6 is the inverse of 1-3. If Season 1 begins with a lot of light-hearted flirtation (and off the charts sexual chemistry) and ends with a seemingly insurmountable rift between them, 4-6 begins with the rift and works its way to their becoming an actual committed couple in a seemingly stable relationship. Of course the frustrating part is that the show neglected to tell us when, where, and how, although it's pretty evident that, for Grissom, Bloodlines is the catalyst for him to try to rebuild their relationship. I do not think he did so thinking the end result would be a "beautiful life" with Sara. More than likely, the best he hoped for was for them to be friends again.
As an aside, in the middle of 1-3, we have Cassie James, Grissom's personal Cassandra, telling him "You don't know what you need until you find it." While Grissom's "need" for Sara is couched purely in work terms throughout 3, season 4 into 5 shows a man who has seemingly come to terms with the fact that he both loves and needs her. The first half of 5 shows him far more in tune with her, and they begin to be comfortable together again. While I think he is perhaps at a place where he might occasionally daydream about the possibility that someday they might be together, I also suspect he thinks that ship has sailed.
And that is why he is completely floored in Snakes. Seemingly out of nowhere, she more or less tells him she's still in love with him, although, unlike in Play With Fire, she has no expectations that he can ever reciprocate her feelings. She, too, thinks that ship has sailed, but, now, she is reconciled to that fact.
I suppose the question for me has always been whether or not he goes to her in Nesting Dolls and tells her that it matters to him, not as her boss but as a man, why she's so angry, if Snakes doesn't happen. A large part of a believable narrative is that one thing must naturally lead to another. As a narrative arc, from 4 to mid-5, we get the following:
Invisible Evidence makes it clear that these two people are still sexually attracted to one another, even though neither one would consider acting on it at this point.
Butterflied confirms Grissom is in love with Sara and regrets turning her down.
Early Rollout tells us Sara may have a serious drinking problem.
Bloodlines is Sara at her lowest point, having been pulled over for a DUI, which signals to Grissom just how miserable she is.
In early 5, they begin to rebuild their camaraderie, with Grissom occasionally kind of sort of flirting with her, in his fashion.
Snakes confirms that, despite everything, she's still in love with him.
After her meltdown in Nesting Dolls, Grissom goes to her and coaxes her to tell him her deepest secrets, after which he comforts her, although what transpires between them after he takes her hand, like so many things GSR, is left vague.
It's always been curious to me that after their conversation in Unbearable that the curtain is drawn on exactly what the nature of their relationship is. I have always read, from Big Middle on, that they act like a couple, albeit a couple in the workplace. We get very little entree into their private interactions, so when and how they became lovers is open to individual interpretation. It isn't until the final scene of 6 that the show bothers to tell us they are lovers, and, judging by their interactions in Way to Go, have been a couple for some time.
I don't know about anyone else, but I think they seem married in that scene: completely comfortable with each other in a way that more or less screams that scenes like the one we are finally privy to have been occurring for a while.
In any event, 4-6 is a pretty remarkable journey in GSR land, as the two characters move from barely being able to speak to one another into a full-fledged love affair.
The amazing thing to me is that both the 1-3 and the 4-6 segments follow a logical progression, with each small insight or revelation explaining both choice and behavior--and leading into the next arc in their relationship.
It really is good stuff.
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communication pre-canon 4
Snakes 05x12 / Nesting Dolls 05x13 / Committed 05x21
Snakes features the speech we heard Sara practicing in the mirror back in the season premiere Viva Las Vegas. It took Sara 12 episodes to finally talk to Grissom after much rehearsal.

Grissom’s uncomfortable response and reactions to her more personal statements “you’ve always been a little more than a boss to me”, “why do you think I moved to Vegas?” deter her confidence a bit. Grissom finally tries to get the words out, perhaps mirror her earlier request to have dinner and see where it goes (s03e22; Play With Fire) but he stumbles over himself for too long, causing Sara to interject saying “it’s fine” - effectively freeing him from that expectation from her.


Both characters have protected themselves from rejection so fully, that they are completely unable to embody their true feelings. Part of the tension that built the GSR relationship, and excited the fanbase, comes from how Grissom and Sara were both on the same page for so painfully long without seeing the other.
Snakes sets the tone for Nesting Dolls. Without that awkward exchange where Sara basically admitted to having feelings for him, Grissom might not have been so determined to understand exactly what Sara was going through. Of course he would have never fired her, but he may not have had the confidence to pry into her personal space the way he did after her explosion at Catherine. Back in s01e10 Sex Lies and Larvae Sara has a similar explosion at a suspect involving domestic abuse, and Grissom’s response of “what’s the matter with you?!” shows how far they’ve come by season 5. Even though it’s still awkward and uncomfortable, they’re able to show their concern for each other in a much more communicative way.

It’s my personal opinion that this is where GSR became canon. I think this was the turning point for taking their relationship to the next level. Later in season 8 Sara tells Ecklie that their relationship became sexual about 2 years ago, matching this timeline pretty closely.

Snakes, Nesting Dolls, and Committed are episodes that all bleed into each other. Had Sara never let down her guard and spilled her emotions to Grissom in Nesting Dolls, he would’ve never had the context he needed to help her in Committed. His genuine fear for her when she’s attacked by a patient, and her willingness to stay around him for comfort afterwards shines a spotlight on their progress.


#csi#csi las vegas#csi crime scene investigation#gsr#otp#otp gsr#grissom x sara#sara x grissom#grissom sara romance#cbs#jorja fox#sara sidle#gil grissom#william petersen
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Universe of Warcraft Cinematic Quest Guide

The World of Warcraft: Cinematic Quest Guide is a gigantic realistic walkthrough of the storyline journeys in World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King from the Alliance viewpoint. Consolidating WoWHead's coordinated instrument tips, it depicts the story of a Night Elf Warrior named Vikstone in his central goal to execute the Lich King and vindicate his killed family. It's a nostalgic turn between a pretending story and a journey manage, permitting all World of Warcraft veterans to re-live explicit minutes in the game's legend similarly as they all occurred from 2009-2010.
Wrath of the Lich King: A Tale of Revenge
Borean Tundra Quests
Howling Fjord Quests
Dragonblight Quests
Grizzly Hills Quests
Sholazar Basin Quests
Zul'Drak Quests
The Storm Peaks Quests
Icecrown Quests
Boss Fights and Guest Appearances
Fury of the Lich King: A Tale of Revenge
GSR Story Intro Banner
Sergeant Vikstone is an incredible Night Elf veteran getting back in the wake of battling a few missions against the Horde and the Burning Legion. Vikstone finds that the Lich King is liable for killing each enduring individual from his faction during the occasions of The Burning Crusade. His family was the remainder of an antiquated bloodline, based upon the principles of the Warrior.
You presumably believe you're very solid — battling these undead and smashing their bones underneath your war machines. That isn't anything contrasted with the quality it took to make them.
Pledges to retaliate for them, he goes to the landmass of Northrend on a last mission to stop the Lich King, a substance the Vrykuls called "the God of Death." In this new world, he ends up in the center of one of Azeroth's most dangerous wars. Vikstone makes his important change all through the excursion so as to execute what's left of Arthas Menethil. In his journey to increase enough capacity to one day face the Lich King, he addresses his own feeling of profound quality as he chops down everybody and all that hinders him.
History has given him that anybody can be murdered, even the Lich King.
Vikstone started his story at level 70 after the occasions of The Burning Crusade. His development in gear, ability specializations (Arms, Fury, Protection) and appearances are completely caught in an ordered manner as he advances through the mission lines, from Borean Tundra to Icecrown on the Terokkar domain (around 2008-2009). It is the best endeavor of his military vocation. Experience the whole story of Wrath of the Lich King through his eyes.
More than 50 unique players help him in significant supervisor battles and first class journeys all through the game, a cycle that took more than 22,000 screen captures to catch.
Fierceness of the Lich King is the tale of Arthas' requital. His wrongdoings are uncovered to Vikstone all through the story in his few showdowns with the Lich King, before the last encounter. It is extremely unlikely to recount the tale of Arthas Menethil without recounting the tale of Vikstone.
Northrend Atlas
Supervisor Fights and Guest Appearances
The Making of the Guide
Why the Warrior Class?
The Author's History in World of Warcraft
Guide of Northrend
A Foreword
Borean Tundra Quests
The Borean Tundra is situated in the far western edge of Northrend, and is the home of the tuskarr, Drakkari savages, and blue mythical serpents. The Undead Scourge and the naga additionally occupy the zone. Significant milestones of the district incorporate the tuskarr capital of Kaskala and the Riplash Ruins. Coldarra is an island simply off the coast. Kaskala is right now under attack and the tuskarr have moved to Unu'pe.
Wailing Fjord Quests
The Howling Fjord is a zone situated in southeastern Northrend. Torn into the southern coastline lies Daggercap Bay, where the powers of Arthas initially arrived on the mainland. Abandoned by the youthful sovereign, the 5,000-in number undertaking set up the station of Valgarde. The little settlement has since gotten the focal point of Alliance action on Northrend. Other Alliance stations incorporate Westguard Keep and Fort Wildervar.
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Dragonblight Quests
The Dragonblight, additionally called the Great Dragonblight, is an extraordinary monster memorial park, situated in Northrend. The passageway to the nerubian realm of Azjol-Nerub can be found in the mid-west part, while the secretive Wyrmrest Temple lives in the center. The magnataur town of Bloodmar lies here additionally, just as the destroyed taunka capital of Icemist Village, and the nerubian meeting of Sundered Monolith. The Forsaken base of Venomspite, just as the Human fortress of Wintergarde Keep are situated toward the east. The Scourge bastion of Naxxramas is gliding in the skies above Wintergarde.
Grizzly Hills Quests
The Grizzly Hills, situated in southeastern Northrend, is a forested territory, encircled by the Howling Fjord toward the south, the Dragonblight toward the west and Zul'Drak toward the north. It is the country of the Grizzlemaw furbolgs. More than 20,000 furbolgs live in this zone, most in the enormous settlement of Grizzlemaw. Both the dwarven settlement of Thor Modan and Ice Troll/Scourge post of Drak'Tharon Keep can be found in the north. The principle group bases are Amberpine Lodge for the Alliance and Conquest Hold for the Horde.
Sholazar Basin Quests
Sholazar Basin is a tropical wilderness bowl amidst Northrend. It is found between Borean Tundra and Icecrown Glacier. The zone's atmosphere and wellbeing from the Scourge is kept up by arches, raised by the Titans. As of late, one arch in the east has fallen and the Scourge has accepted this open door to attack from Icecrown toward the north. They are currently gushing down The Avalanche.
Note:Also read here more about World of warcraft.
Zul'Drak Quests
Zul'Drak is a region situated in eastern Northrend. It is home to the Drakkari ice savages and their Frost King Malakk just as the littler savages of the Winterfang clan. Their capital is the city of Gundrak. Zul'Drak has a place with the Drakkari, who wander in chasing parties looking for prey. Old savage remnants are flung over the open country and the Scourge drifts just past the western outskirt, hanging tight for an opportunity to strike.
Atmosphere savvy, Zul'Drak is the least wonderful of the eastern districts. It's colder than the Grizzly Hills or the Howling Fjord, less magnificent than the Storm Peaks, and more swarmed than any of them – with a large portion of the group being Drakkari. Most different races evade this area, and in light of current circumstances. Explorers don't have to go there for section north or south — they can adhere to the Grizzly Hills, which encompass Zul'Drak on the two sides and arrive at all the path up to Crystalsong Forest and Storm Peaks. The main explanation anybody would need to visit Zul'Drak is on the off chance that they were pioneers planning to meet the Drakkari — and they better have an enormous gathering of outfitted heroes with them when they do.
The Storm Peaks Quests
The Storm Peaks are a mountain range and zone situated in the upper east of Northrend. It is the place a puzzling race of goliaths named the tempest monsters live. The third known titan city of Ulduar is additionally situated here. The breezes that tear through the mountains are incredibly savage and hazardous.
Icecrown Quests
Icecrown, otherwise called Ice Crown, is a zone made out of generally Icecrown Glacier and the quick territory around it. Icecrown is encircled by mountains toward the south. The ground is neither solidified earth nor secured with day off; is strong ice. Consequently, nothing becomes here.
Supervisor Fights and Guest Appearances
Highlighted in Boss Fights and Guest Appearances are outstanding individuals from my society Trinity Exiles and the numerous individual players who were on the Terokkar domain during that time. For an enormous bit of the experiences, it was all unconstrained, with irregular players offering to assist Vikstone, and the other way around. In the event that you played World of Warcraft in 2009 on this worker, you may be in one of the accompanying missions. One of my significant inspirations to bring back this guide was to deify my companions, a considerable lot of whom I could never find the opportunity to play with again. To me they will consistently be "Terokkar's best."
With regards to this story, does Vikstone actually slaughter the Lich King, retaliate for his family, and spare Azeroth from certain pulverization?
It's lovely to think so.
One can essentially attempt to comprehend what Blizzard planned to speak to with Northrend. To me, it represented the subject of recovery and the possibility of Valhalla, where all champions killed in battle seek to go in Norse folklore to eat with the Gods. I needed to leave the completion of this story open, since it was the excursion that made it advantageous. As a Night Elf, Vikstone was undying to time simply like the Lich King yet at long last there would be just one man left standing. With regards to who was ethically directly in his activities, Vikstone was merciless, chopping down large number of NPCs and players all through his lifetime. His choice to battle the Lich King would have implied unavoidable passing and hence forever end his family's bloodline. He was set up to make it his last demonstration, maybe to get requital for his own violations and monstrosities that he had submitted in past missions. Was there any acceptable left in Arthas Menethil's heart? Was any man genuinely past the scope of absolution? It was an inquiry that would consistently wait in Vikstone's heart as he ended up falling into a similar obscurity that happened to Arthas.
In my heart I like to think Vikstone in the long run prevails on his last mission, pulverizes Ner'zhul, and liberates the spirit of Matthias Lehner so he can pick up recovery for his transgressions and enter Valhalla.
The last resting spot of a genuine hero.
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Ten Across
Rating: General Audiences Word Count: 3468 Characters: Nick Stokes, Gil Grissom Summary: Nick has a last minute emergency at work, and asks Grissom to babysit his kids, Madison and Parker, who ask Grissom why their dad doesn't like ants. Notes: Something to make up for the angst-fest that was Hellbound. GSR implied, Nick's partner is left up to the reader!
@hands-christian-handersen @deltajackdalton, this your fault specifically, @impossiblepluto, @altschmerzes, @dannilea, I just feel obligated to tag you three in any nick and grissom friendship fics I write.
Read it on A03
“Uncle Grissom’s here! Uncle Grissom’s here!” Madison screams, running down the stairs towards the front door. The six year old was clutching two books, one on grasshoppers and one on hummingbirds.
“Uncle Gil’s here? Awesome!” Parker shouts from the couch. The nine year old was too busy playing his video game to turn his head towards the door.
“Daddy, Uncle Grissom’s heeeeeeeere!”
“Yes, Maddie, I heard you the first time,” Nick laughs as he continues to multitask, writing down names and phone numbers, packing up his backpack, trying to adjust his tie. He rushes out of the kitchen, nearly knocking into his daughter and dog (who surely would have told him “Uncle Grissom is here,” if he could speak english) to open the door for his former boss.
Grissom must have heard Madison’s shouts, because he is smiling as Nick welcomes him in.
“Hey, Gris, thanks again, man, I know it’s...last minute,” Nick seems to linger on those two words, his brow furrowed as he keeps trying to adjust his tie.
“My pleasure, Nick,” Grissom replies as he pets Sam, the dog with one hand, while the other is pulled by Madison.
“Uncle Grissom, look at the books Daddy gave me! This one’s about hummingbirds, and this one is about grasshoppers--I mean, Acri--Acridim…”
“Acridomorpha. That’s very interesting, Maddie! I brought some books of my own, for you to look at, until bedtime, of course,” he added, winking at Nick. He pulls a book out on atlas beetles, showing it to Madison, who beams brightly.
“Beetles! Did you know that the lava is capable of biting?”
Nick laughs at Grissom’s look of bewilderment.
“That’s larvae, Mads!” Parker beckons from the couch. “Dad told you a million times, jeez! Hi, Uncle Gil!”
“Hello, Parker.”
“So my son gets to call you ‘Gil,’ but I don’t?” Nick pouts, waving Grissom into the kitchen. He pours himself a cup of coffee from a pot that’s still half-full. “Coffee?”
“Thank you. And yes, he does, he helps me with my crosswords.”
“Pfft, so did I...once or twice...I think. Anyway, here’s a list of emergency contacts, they both just had dinner--I gave them desert already so don’t let them tell you otherwise. Madison goes to bed at 8, Parker at 9. I shouldn’t be long, I’ll try to be back as soon as I can, I swear--”
“Nick, it’s okay, you know I love spending time with the kids.”
Nick smiles, patting Grissom on the shoulder before running out the back door.
“They love you to, you know. Maybe even more than me.”
“I highly doubt that, Nicky, my boy.”
Nick leaves, still grinning, and Grissom has a moment’s silence, before the energy of the house rises to a frenzy. Sam circles around with a toy in his mouth, begging Grissom to play with him. Madison is jumping up and down, reciting facts about all the books in Grissom’s briefcase. Nick’s birds are chirping, disturbed by all of the sudden noise. Parker turns the television up a bit louder, scoots himself closer to the screen.
The energy reminds him of the lab, the buzz of voices talking, people rushing through the small building. It also reminds him of a much younger, clean-shaven Nick Stokes, playing video games with Warrick Brown, excitedly talking about birds, cranking up the music playing in the DNA lab as he hangs around with Greg Sanders.
So, in a situation where he would suffer a migraine, he was smiling, because he expects nothing less from the Stokes residence.
The initial chaos dies down after a few minutes, and everyone is at peace until Madison’s lower lip begins to tremble, mid-rant about the parrot that was currently squawking in the corner of the room, and she falls silent.
“Maddie, what’s wrong?” Grissom asks softly, noticing the young girl’s sudden silence.
“I...I m-miss Daddy!” she begins to cry.
“Pfft, I don’t,” Parker mumbles.
“It’s okay, Madison, he’ll be home soon enough,” Grissom comforts her, shooting Parker a warning look. Parker gulps and falls silent, he’s got Nick’s anxiety Grissom briefly thinks. He places a hand on her shoulder, lifting her chin gently to look into his face. “When you wake up in the morning, he’ll be here.”
“I promise.”
“Okay…” she sniffles, but Grissom can sense that their promise offers little comfort. He glances towards his briefcase, noticing that only three of the five books were taken out and placed on the floor, before Madison got distracted by the bird.
“I think there’s some more books in my briefcase, if you wanted to take a look at them.”
Madison’s tears faded away, and she grinned. Grissom can’t help but see how much her smile reminds him of Nick’s. She gets up and runs back towards the case, and Grissom sits down on the couch, beckoning Nick’s dog to jump up on his lap.
Parker throws down the controller in frustration, running his hands through his hair.
“Ugh, I’m terrible at this game! I just died, again, and now I have to start all over!” he whines, beginning to pace around the room.
“Maybe a fresh start will help you see things in a different perspective,” Grissom told him. “Like a puzzle.”
Parker sighed, throwing himself next to Grissom on the couch.
“Yeah...or maybe I just need a break.”
Grissom dug out a piece of folded paper in his pocket, and handed it to Parker.
“Here, I brought this for you. I think it’s time you try it on your own.”
Parker unfolds it, it’s a crossword puzzle.
“You think I’m ready?” Parker asks him, his eyes shining bright. Determined eyes, just like Nick’s.
“I know you’re ready, Parker.”
Parker grins, and runs off to find a pencil. Grissom turns off the television, still stroking Sam with his right hand. There is peace for the next hour, bedtime is growing closer and closer. Parker seems to have moved to the kitchen table, Grissom can hear him reciting the clues, thinking out loud.
Madison, however, is suspiciously quiet, which Grissom knew wasn’t a good sign.
“Uncle Grissom!” she suddenly wheezes behind him, startling both him and the dog.
“Yes, Maddie?” Grissom asks in a slightly annoyed tone.
“Daddy’s never told me about this bug!”
Grissom’s heart sinks as he stares at the book Madison is holding up. It’s a book on fire ants.
“He doesn’t like ants at all, I don’t know why, I think they’re cute,” Madison keeps talking. Parker looks up from the table in the other room, and Grissom can’t help but see a younger Nick, a haunted look etched all over his face. Did Nick tell Parker what happened, why he doesn’t like fire ants?
“Sometimes one will crawl on me and I’ll talk to it, but then Daddy brushes it off me,” Madison keeps saying. Parker makes eye contact with Grissom for a moment, a worried look on his face, before he shakes it off and looks back at the puzzle.
“He told me they bite, but they never seem to bite me.”
“Hey, Maddie, I think it’s getting close to bedtime,” Grissom tells her, gently lifting the book of ants out of her hands. Madison pouts, but starts to walk up the stairs. Grissom follows behind her, standing awkwardly in the hallway as she brushes her teeth and changes into her pajamas in the bathroom. When she’s ready, Grissom guides her into her bedroom, and reads her a story about a woodpecker. She sits, listening very intently, but a yawn escapes her body as Grissom finishes the story.
“...the end.”
“Aw, can I have another story? Five more minutes, pleeeeeeease?”
“Remember our promise? The sooner you go to bed, the sooner you’ll get to see your Dad.”
“Fine. But..can I keep the fire ant book?”
Grissom thinks for a minute, torn between wanting to let this curious young girl learn more about a topic she is very interested in, but worries as to how Nick would react if he found out about it.
“I don’t think that would be a good idea, Maddie, because your dad really doesn’t like ants, but I’ll tell you what, the next time you’re at my house, you can read it all you want.”
Madison hugs Grissom’s waist, before hopping into bed, pulling the blanket over her.
“Can you put on the nightlight?” she asks in a worried whisper, as Grissom begins to walk out of the room. He smiles and obliges.
“Goodnight, Madison,” Grissom says to her, turning off the main light to the bedroom.
“Goodnight...Uncle...Cisco…” Madison breathes as she drifts off into dreamland.
Grissom walks back downstairs, where Parker is still sitting at the kitchen table, but the crossword is blank. He seems to be lost in thought, his eyes dark, his thick eyebrows furrowed. It’s a look Grissom knows all too well, one that is usually accompanied by the word “why,” spoken by another Stokes mouth.
“Penny for your thoughts?” Grissom asks the young boy. Parker looks up at him, licking his lips.
“Why doesn’t Dad like ants?” Parker asks.
“I...don’t think that’s for me to answer.”
“Why not? I’m nine years old, I’m not--I’m not a baby like Maddie!”
“Have you tried asking him?”
“I did, and he just gets...sad.”
“Your father will tell you when he’s ready.”
Parker huffed, crossing his arms, and clenched his jaw. Another look, that Grissom knew well.
“That’s not the only thing on your mind, though, is it?”
“He gets mad with me...a lot. Almost took my video games away yesterday.”
“Oh? What did you do?”
“Well, the first time, last week, I had gotten out of bed in the middle of the night, I was so close to beating this level that I just wanted to try, one more time, and he caught me sneaking through the house--I think I scared him, and...he had something behind his back though, and he wouldn’t show me. He always shows me what he’s doing, but instead, he just...told me to get my ‘ass’--oh, sorry, Uncle Gil--’butt’ back in bed.”
Grissom fills in the blanks of the story. Didn’t take a forensic investigator to realize, how worried Nick must have been, to hear someone walking through his house at night. He pictures a troubled Nick, gun drawn, walking cautiously through the halls, eyes fixated on the ceiling above him, before being startled by the young boy.
“The second time we were at the park, when Maddy was playing with the ants a-and he told us to stay away from them b-but I just wanted to look at them and I found the ant’s home and was playing around with it until he told us we were going home cause I wouldn’t listen, he didn’t yell but he just got...sad again, like he was...disappointed.”
“And the third time?”
Parker falls silent for a moment, and his lips begin to quiver, just as Madison’s did earlier. His eyes grow damp, and Grissom’s heart rate rises to a dangerously high amount, worrying about what he’s about to hear.
“Me and Mads were--were playin’ a-and I, I didn’t mean to hurt her, I suh-swear…” Parker begins to mumble, his voice shaky, his accent thickening. “We...we were playin cops n robbers and I was the cop and she was the robber, and I c-caught her, so I had to put her in jail and…”
He falls silent again, Grissom can sense the tremendous amount of guilt and shame from the young boy. He feels bad, allowing this innocent boy to relive an experience that has apparently caused him a lot of grief, but he knows that if he truly is Nick’s son, talking it out with Grissom would help him in the long run.
“I pushed her into th-that closet, over there!” he cries, pointing to the small closet in the living room area. The door is open, Grissom can see that it’s just barely enough standing space, not to mention all the coats and shoes littered inside.
“It was just part of the game, but it--she--it was so dark and she’s scared of the dark and she started yellin’ at me to let her out, an-and then she started screaming a-and Daddy came runnin’, threw the door open and yelled at me…”
Grissom’s mouth tightens to a frown, and reaches for Parker’s hand in an effort to comfort him. It seems to work, the boy’s tears stop and he sits up straight, wiping away his face with his free hand.
“He...He ‘pologized to me later, even let me stay up late that night to play my game...but...I thought I heard him cryin’ when I walked by his room on my way upstairs...Why won’t he tell me what’s wrong? Is-is it because he doesn’t like me?”
“Your dad...your dad’s been through a lot, Parker, I won’t lie to you,” Grissom sighs. He struggles to think of something to say, flipping back through flashcards of phrases to use when talking to the families of victims, but none of them seem to tell him how to address the son of one of his closest friends, who just wants answers to questions Grissom’s not authorized to answer.
“But he loves you, more than anything in this world, okay? You’ll never disappoint him, even if he gets angry with you sometimes. You know, he used to get angry with me sometimes, too.”
“He did?” Parker asks, his eyes wide in shock. He lets out a small giggle as Grissom nods.
“You just have to be...patient with him. He’ll tell you about the ants, when he’s ready.”
“You think so?”
“He told me,” Grissom replies, matter-of-factly. “You know what else he told me? That your Aunt Sara once got sprayed by...a skunk and she still smells really bad.”
Parker bursts out into a fit of giggles, and Grissom knows the hard part of his job is done. The easy part is giving Parker a special treat, chocolate covered grasshoppers. Helping him with the crossword, even though he claims he��s “got it” without Grissom’s help. Grissom educating him on some of the more complicated words, with Parker listening to him as if it was the most important lesson in his life.
The hour came and went, almost too quickly for either of their liking, but they only had a few more to go…
So Grissom lets him stay up, just “a few more minutes”...which was an hour ago.
“Okay, Parker, it’s time for bed, I let you stay up long enough.”
“Aw, but Uncle Gil, I got one more!”
Parker’s back is to the door, he doesn’t seem to notice as Sam runs to the door eagerly, scratching. Grissom can just barely see Nick’s smiling face on the other side of the door, gesturing for silence from Grissom with a finger on his lips as he gently opens the door. Grissom winks at him, as Parker continues to be undisturbed at the sudden commotion from the excited dog. Nick silently steps towards his son, crouching down and hovering next to him.
“Hmm...10 across, ‘what cows drink.’”
“That, my boy, would be ‘milk.’” Nick says, startling his son and making Grissom burst into laughter.
“Wha--Dad!” Parker blurts, nearly falling out of his chair. Nick joins Grissom in laughter, and Parker pushes him back playfully.
“That’s not the answer! It’s ‘water,’ cows produce milk!”
“Oh! Of course they do!” Nick exclaims, playing dumb to appease his son. He ruffles the kid’s hair. “Whoa, looks like you finished your first crossword! I’m so proud of you!”
Parker beams up at him brightly, as Nick lifts him up into a tight embrace. Grissom winks at Parker as Nick spins him around, making Parker giggle.
“But now, it’s time to go to bed, buddy,” Nick sighs as he sets his son back on the ground.
“Okay…” Parker mumbles, but runs around the table and gives Grissom a tight hug.
“Thank you, Uncle Gil.”
“Your welcome, Parker.”
Parker runs up the stairs, clutching the finished crossword puzzle, and Sam follows behind him. Nick sits down at the table, where Parker previously sat. He saw the small bag of chocolate covered grasshoppers, and smirks knowingly at Grissom before grabbing a handful.
“They weren’t too much trouble, I hope. Maddy’s been fighting bedtime, lately.”
“They were great, Nick, no trouble at all.”
“Parker’s been, uh...a handful lately.”
“So he told me.”
“Guilty conscience, just like his old man, huh?”
Grissom chuckles, and the two sit in silence for a few moments, before Nick takes off his glasses and rubs his eyes with his hands.
“Did he tell you about the closet thing?”
“Yeah,” Grissom sighs heavily. He suddenly feels a phantom pain in his shoulder, one he hasn’t felt in over a decade.
“Man, I was so...sometimes I wonder, you know, if I’m…if I’m not...messin’ them up somehow...”
“Nick,” Grissom begins sharply, trying to steer Nick away from any self-depreciation, before softening his tone. “Look, I know that I’m not the most...educated person on this subject matter, but for what it’s worth, I think you are an excellent father of two bright, wonderful children, who are proud to call you their father.”
Nick’s lips curl into a smile, and he sniffles.
“I’d say you know a lot, man, you basically were like our second dad, back in the day, you know? You gave us advice, you set us on the right path, you were so patient and...you listened.”
Both men sit in stunned silence, at the sudden realization of the true nature of their relationship, which had, until now, been solely unspoken. Nick clears his throat and gets up from the chair, awkwardly asking Grissom if he wanted anything to eat or drink, before Grissom mentions he needed to get going, because Sara should be coming back home any minute now.
Nick reaches his arm around Grissom’s shoulder, as Grissom sticks out his hand for a handshake, and they clash in a clumsy embrace.
“Thanks again, Gil!” Nick calls out to him as he walks off of the Stokes’ porch. Grissom looks back at him, shaking his head.
“Still?” Nick winces.
“Respect your elders, Nick.”
Nick laughs and watches as Grissom drives off. He does a sweep of the house, checking all the doors and windows before shutting off all the lights and heading upstairs. He checks in on Madison, surrounded by stuffed animals, he can see a smile in the faint glow of her night-light.
He checks in on Parker, who is doing a poor job of pretending he’s asleep, as Sam lays curled up at the foot of the bed. Nick enters the room, sits on the bed. He adjusts the blanket to cover his son’s body completely, and gently removes the comic book and flashlight from underneath his pillow.
“He still doesn’t like me calling him ‘Gil,’” he sighs to his son, whose eyes are shut tight, but Nick can see his ears twitch upward at the mention of his favorite uncle.
“I...I know I said it before, but I really am sorry for what happened yesterday. You didn’t know, what you were doing and, uh…”
He takes a deep breath, and strokes his son’s hair out of his face.
“It’s my job, you know, to catch bad guys, put them in jail but...sometimes...the bad guys win. We catch them, but it doesn’t take away the bad things they’ve done. Sometimes they get away with it, but the...things they do to hurt people, it doesn’t go away. And one day, when you’re older, I’ll tell you all about those times, where I….why I...But, it’s…”
Another deep breath, Sam whines slightly, placing his head on Nick’s lap.
“You know, I was nine years old, just like you are, waiting for my...mom to get home and I-I want you to know, Parker, no matter how angry or sad I get, I will never stop loving you, okay? You can always talk to me about anything you want.”
He places a soft kiss on his son’s forehead.
“I promise.”
He gets up and walks out of the room, wiping his eyes as he takes one last look at Parker, who, for all Nick knew, did genuinely fall asleep. He smiles in disbelief, what did he do to deserve these two little angels? He shuts the door gently behind him, leaving the flashlight and comic book on the ground, knowing that Parker will need them for his nightly adventures later. He’s completely unaware, of the four words spoken in a whisper from his son’s lips as he drifts off into a blissful dreamland.
“I love you, Dad.”
#csi cbs#nick stokes#gil grissom#csi fan fiction#nick and grissom#csi#my fic#fic: ten across#ficverse: parker and madison
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Warcraft Cinematic Quest Guide
The World of Warcraft: Cinematic Quest Guide is a gigantic true to life walkthrough of the storyline missions in World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King from the Alliance viewpoint. Fusing WoWHead's incorporated instrument tips, it depicts the story of a Night Elf Warrior named Vikstone in his central goal to execute the Lich King and vindicate his killed faction. It's a nostalgic bend between a pretending story and a mission manage, permitting all World of Warcraft veterans to re-live explicit minutes in the game's legend similarly as they all occurred from 2009-2010.

GSR Story Intro Banner
Sergeant Vikstone is an unbelievable Night Elf veteran getting back subsequent to battling a few missions against the Horde and the Burning Legion. Vikstone finds that the Lich King is liable for killing each enduring individual from his family during the occasions of The Burning Crusade. His family was the remainder of an old bloodline, based upon the precepts of the Warrior.
You likely believe you're very solid — battling these undead and pounding their bones underneath your war machines. That isn't anything contrasted with the quality it took to make them.
Vows to vindicate them, he goes to the landmass of Northrend on a last mission to stop the Lich King, an element the Vrykuls called "the God of Death." In this new world, he winds up in the center of one of Azeroth's most ruinous wars. Vikstone makes his vital change all through the excursion so as to execute what's left of Arthas Menethil. In his journey to increase enough capacity to one day face the Lich King, he addresses his own feeling of ethical quality as he chops down everybody and all that holds him up.
Note:You can also read here about games like WOW.
History has given him that anybody can be slaughtered, even the Lich King.
Vikstone started his story at level 70 after the occasions of The Burning Crusade. His development in gear, ability specializations (Arms, Fury, Protection) and appearances are totally caught in a sequential manner as he advances through the mission lines, from Borean Tundra to Icecrown on the Terokkar domain (around 2008-2009). It is the best endeavor of his military vocation. Experience the whole story of Wrath of the Lich King through his eyes.
More than 50 distinct players help him in significant manager battles and first class missions all through the game, a cycle that took more than 22,000 screen captures to catch.
The Master Explorer (15)
Fierceness of the Lich King is the tale of Arthas' retaliation. His violations are uncovered to Vikstone all through the story in his few encounters with the Lich King, before the last showdown. Its absolutely impossible to recount the tale of Arthas Menethil without recounting the narrative of Vikstone.
Northrend Atlas
Manager Fights and Guest Appearances
The Making of the Guide
Why the Warrior Class?
The Author's History in World of Warcraft
Guide of Northrend
A Foreword
Borean Tundra Quests
The Borean Tundra is situated in the far western edge of Northrend, and is the home of the tuskarr, Drakkari savages, and blue monsters. The Undead Scourge and the naga likewise occupy the zone. Significant tourist spots of the area incorporate the tuskarr capital of Kaskala and the Riplash Ruins. Coldarra is an island simply off the coast. Kaskala is presently under attack and the tuskarr have moved to Unu'pe.
Also read about burning steppes guide.click here
Borean Tundra (9)
Yelling Fjord Quests
The Howling Fjord is a zone situated in southeastern Northrend. Torn into the southern coastline lies Daggercap Bay, where the powers of Arthas initially arrived on the landmass. Abandoned by the youthful ruler, the 5,000-in number campaign set up the station of Valgarde. The little settlement has since gotten the focal point of Alliance movement on Northrend. Other Alliance stations incorporate Westguard Keep and Fort Wildervar.
Valgarde (3)
Dragonblight Quests
The Dragonblight, likewise called the Great Dragonblight, is an extraordinary winged serpent burial ground, situated in Northrend. The passageway to the nerubian realm of Azjol-Nerub can be found in the mid-west part, while the baffling Wyrmrest Temple dwells in the center. The magnataur town of Bloodmar lies here additionally, just as the demolished taunka capital of Icemist Village, and the nerubian conference of Sundered Monolith. The Forsaken base of Venomspite, just as the Human fortress of Wintergarde Keep are situated toward the east. The Scourge bastion of Naxxramas is drifting in the skies above Wintergarde.
Dragonblight (71)
Grizzly Hills Quests
The Grizzly Hills, situated in southeastern Northrend, is a forested zone, encircled by the Howling Fjord toward the south, the Dragonblight toward the west and Zul'Drak toward the north. It is the country of the Grizzlemaw furbolgs. More than 20,000 furbolgs live in this zone, most in the huge settlement of Grizzlemaw. Both the dwarven settlement of Thor Modan and Ice Troll/Scourge post of Drak'Tharon Keep can be found in the north. The principle group bases are Amberpine Lodge for the Alliance and Conquest Hold for the Horde.
Ursoc, the Bear God (18)
Sholazar Basin Quests
Sholazar Basin is a tropical wilderness bowl amidst Northrend. It is found between Borean Tundra and Icecrown Glacier. The zone's atmosphere and wellbeing from the Scourge is kept up by arches, raised by the Titans. As of late, one arch in the east has fallen and the Scourge has accepted this open door to attack from Icecrown toward the north. They are presently spilling down The Avalanche.
Sholazar Basin (14)
Zul'Drak Quests
Zul'Drak is a region situated in eastern Northrend. It is home to the Drakkari ice savages and their Frost King Malakk just as the littler savages of the Winterfang clan. Their capital is the city of Gundrak. Zul'Drak has a place with the Drakkari, who meander in chasing parties looking for prey. Old savage vestiges are tossed over the open country and the Scourge floats just past the western outskirt, hanging tight for an opportunity to strike.
Atmosphere insightful, Zul'Drak is the least lovely of the eastern districts. It's colder than the Grizzly Hills or the Howling Fjord, less superb than the Storm Peaks, and more swarmed than any of them – with the greater part of the group being Drakkari. Most different races dodge this area, and in light of current circumstances. Explorers don't have to go there for section north or south — they can adhere to the Grizzly Hills, which encompass Zul'Drak on the two sides and arrive at all the path up to Crystalsong Forest and Storm Peaks. The main explanation anybody would need to visit Zul'Drak is in the event that they were voyagers wanting to meet the Drakkari — and they better have a huge gathering of outfitted champions with them when they do.
Selling out (31)
The Storm Peaks Quests
The Storm Peaks are a mountain range and zone situated in the upper east of Northrend. It is the place a baffling race of monsters named the tempest goliaths live. The third known titan city of Ulduar is additionally situated here. The breezes that tear through the mountains are amazingly fierce and risky.
Krolmir, Hammer of Storms (19)
Icecrown Quests
Icecrown, otherwise called Ice Crown, is a zone made out of generally Icecrown Glacier and the prompt region around it. Icecrown is encircled by mountains toward the south. The ground is neither solidified earth nor secured with day off; is strong ice. Henceforth, nothing becomes here.
The Hunter and the Prince (24)
Supervisor Fights and Guest Appearances
Highlighted in Boss Fights and Guest Appearances are outstanding individuals from my organization Trinity Exiles and the numerous individual players who were on the Terokkar domain during that period. For a huge bit of the experiences, it was all unconstrained, with arbitrary players offering to assist Vikstone, and the other way around. On the off chance that you played World of Warcraft in 2009 on this worker, you may be in one of the accompanying missions. One of my significant inspirations to bring back this guide was to deify my companions, a large number of whom I could never find the opportunity to play with again. To me they will consistently be "Terokkar's best."
Prior to the Gate of Horror (6)
With regards to this story, does Vikstone actually execute the Lich King, retaliate for his family, and spare Azeroth from certain demolition?
It's lovely to think so.
One can essentially attempt to comprehend what Blizzard expected to speak to with Northrend. To me, it represented the topic of reclamation and the possibility of Valhalla, where all heroes killed in battle seek to go in Norse folklore to eat with the Gods. I needed to leave the completion of this story open, since it was the excursion that made it beneficial. As a Night Elf, Vikstone was interminable to time simply like the Lich King however at long last there would be just one man left standing. With regards to who was ethically directly in his activities, Vikstone was savage, chopping down great many NPCs and players all through his lifetime. His choice to battle the Lich King would have implied unavoidable demise and hence for all time end his family's bloodline. He was set up to make it his last demonstration, maybe to get reprisal for his own violations and monstrosities that he had submitted in past missions. Was there any acceptable left in Arthas Menethil's heart? Was any man really past the range of pardoning? It was an inquiry that would consistently wait in Vikstone's heart as he ended up falling into a similar dimness that came to pass for Arthas.
In my heart I like to think Vikstone in the long run prevails on his last mission, decimates Ner'zhul, and liberates the spirit of Matthias Lehner so he can pick up reclamation for his transgressions and enter Valhalla.
The last resting spot of a genuine fighter.
0 notes
Universe of Warcraft Cinematic Quest Guide
The World of Warcraft: Cinematic Quest Guide is a huge masterful walkthrough of the storyline ventures in World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King from the Alliance perspective. Combining WoWHead's planned gadget tips, it portrays the tale of a Night Elf Warrior named Vikstone in his principle objective to butcher the Lich King and fight back for his executed family. It's a nostalgic breeze between an imagining story and an excursion direct, allowing all World of Warcraft veterans to re-live express minutes in the game's legend likewise as they all happened from 2009-2010.
Fierceness of the Lich King: A Tale of Revenge
GSR Story Intro Banner
Sergeant Vikstone is an extraordinary Night Elf veteran getting back in the wake of engaging a couple of missions against the Horde and the Burning Legion. Vikstone finds that the Lich King is subject for executing each suffering individual from his family during the events of The Burning Crusade. His family was the rest of an old bloodline, in view of the standards of the Warrior.
You doubtlessly accept you're strong — doing combating these undead and crushing their bones underneath your war machines. That is nothing diverged from the quality it took to make them.
Also read about wow game.
Vows to vindicate them, he goes to the terrain of Northrend on a last mission to stop the Lich King, a component the Vrykuls called "the God of Death." In this new world, he ends up in the focal point of one of Azeroth's most hazardous wars. Vikstone rolls out his significant improvement all through the trip in order to butcher what's left of Arthas Menethil. In his excursion to expand enough ability to one day face the Lich King, he tends to his own sentiment of significant quality as he slashes down everyone and every one of that holds him up.
History has given him that anyone can be butchered, even the Lich King.
Vikstone began his story at level 70 after the events of The Burning Crusade. His improvement in gear, capacity specializations (Arms, Fury, Protection) and appearances are completely trapped in a successive way as he propels through the mission lines, from Borean Tundra to Icecrown on the Terokkar space (around 2008-2009). It is the best undertaking of his military calling. Experience the entire story of Wrath of the Lich King through his eyes.
In excess of 50 unmistakable players help him in noteworthy supervisor fights and top of the line missions all through the game, a cycle that took in excess of 22,000 screen catches to get.
Note:you can also check here about onyxia guide.
The Master Explorer (15)
Outrage of the Lich King is the story of Arthas' counter. His infringement are revealed to Vikstone all through the story in his couple of experiences with the Lich King, before the last confrontation. It is exceptionally far-fetched to describe the story of Arthas Menethil without relating the account of Vikstone.
Northrend Atlas
Administrator Fights and Guest Appearances
The Making of the Guide
Why the Warrior Class?
The Author's History in World of Warcraft
Guide of Northrend
A Foreword
Borean Tundra Quests
The Borean Tundra is arranged in the far western edge of Northrend, and is the home of the tuskarr, Drakkari savages, and blue legendary snakes. The Undead Scourge and the naga similarly possess the zone. Critical places of interest of the area consolidate the tuskarr capital of Kaskala and the Riplash Ruins. Coldarra is an island basically off the coast. Kaskala is at present enduring an onslaught and the tuskarr have moved to Unu'pe.
Borean Tundra (9)
Howling Fjord Quests
The Howling Fjord is a zone arranged in southeastern Northrend. Attacked the southern coastline lies Daggercap Bay, where the forces of Arthas at first showed up on the territory. Surrendered by the energetic ruler, the 5,000-in number endeavor set up the station of Valgarde. The little settlement has since gotten the point of convergence of Alliance activity on Northrend. Other Alliance stations consolidate Westguard Keep and Fort Wildervar.
Valgarde (3)
Dragonblight Quests
The Dragonblight, moreover called the Great Dragonblight, is an inconceivable beast burial ground, arranged in Northrend. The path to the nerubian domain of Azjol-Nerub can be found in the mid-west part, while the baffling Wyrmrest Temple lives in the middle. The magnataur town of Bloodmar lies here similarly, similarly as the devastated taunka capital of Icemist Village, and the nerubian gathering of Sundered Monolith. The Forsaken base of Venomspite, similarly as the Human post of Wintergarde Keep are arranged eastward. The Scourge stronghold of Naxxramas is drifting in the skies above Wintergarde.
Dragonblight (71)
Grizzly Hills Quests
The Grizzly Hills, arranged in southeastern Northrend, is a forested zone, encompassed by the Howling Fjord southward, the Dragonblight westward and Zul'Drak northward. It is the nation of the Grizzlemaw furbolgs. More than 20,000 furbolgs live in this zone, most in the huge settlement of Grizzlemaw. Both the dwarven settlement of Thor Modan and Ice Troll/Scourge fortress of Drak'Tharon Keep can be found in the north. The essential gathering bases are Amberpine Lodge for the Alliance and Conquest Hold for the Horde.
Ursoc, the Bear God (18)
Sholazar Basin Quests
Sholazar Basin is a tropical wild bowl in the midst of Northrend. It is found between Borean Tundra and Icecrown Glacier. The zone's environment and security from the Scourge is kept up by curves, raised by the Titans. Starting late, one curve in the east has fallen and the Scourge has acknowledged this open way to assault from Icecrown northward. They are by and by spilling down The Avalanche.
Sholazar Basin (14)
Zul'Drak Quests
Zul'Drak is a domain arranged in eastern Northrend. It is home to the Drakkari ice savages and their Frost King Malakk similarly as the tinier savages of the Winterfang family. Their capital is the city of Gundrak. Zul'Drak has a spot with the Drakkari, who meander in pursuing gatherings searching for prey. Old savage remnants are flung over the open nation and the Scourge drifts simply past the western periphery, holding on for a chance to strike.
Air astute, Zul'Drak is minimal dazzling of the eastern locale. It's colder than the Grizzly Hills or the Howling Fjord, less grand than the Storm Peaks, and more amassed than any of them – with most of the gathering being Drakkari. Most various races avoid this region, and in light of everything. Explorers don't need to go there for passage north or south — they can cling to the Grizzly Hills, which envelop Zul'Drak on the different sides and show up at all the course up to Crystalsong Forest and Storm Peaks. The fundamental clarification anyone would need to visit Zul'Drak is if they were travelers wanting to meet the Drakkari — and they better have an immense social affair of furnished heroes with them when they do.
Traitorousness (31)
The Storm Peaks Quests
The Storm Peaks are a mountain range and zone arranged in the upper east of Northrend. It is the spot a confounding race of beasts named the storm goliaths live. The third known titan city of Ulduar is furthermore arranged here. The breezes that tear through the mountains are inconceivably wild and hazardous.
Krolmir, Hammer of Storms (19)
Icecrown Quests
Icecrown, in any case called Ice Crown, is a zone made out of for the most part Icecrown Glacier and the brief zone around it. Icecrown is circled by mountains southward. The ground is neither hardened earth nor made sure about with free day; is solid ice. Consequently, nothing gets here.
The Hunter and the Prince (24)
Chief Fights and Guest Appearances
Remembered for Boss Fights and Guest Appearances are remarkable people from my association Trinity Exiles and the various individual players who were on the Terokkar space during that period. For an enormous portion of the encounters, it was all unconstrained, with self-assertive players offering to help Vikstone, and the reverse way around. If you played World of Warcraft in 2009 on this specialist, you might be in one of the going with ventures. One of my huge motivations to bring back this guide was to exalt my buddies, an impressive part of whom I would never discover the chance to play with again. To me they will reliably be "Terokkar's ideal."
Before the Gate of Horror (6)
Concerning this story, does Vikstone really murder the Lich King, fight back for his family, and extra Azeroth from certain pummeling?
It's beautiful to think so.
One can basically endeavor to understand what Blizzard expected to address with Northrend. To me, it spoke to the subject of recovery and the chance of Valhalla, where all warriors executed in fight attempt to go in Norse old stories to eat with the Gods. I expected to leave the fruition of this story open, since it was the trip that made it helpful. As a Night Elf, Vikstone was unfading to time basically like the Lich King anyway finally there would be only one man left standing. Concerning who was morally straightforwardly in his exercises, Vikstone was coldblooded, slashing down huge number of NPCs and players all through his lifetime. His decision to fight the Lich King would have suggested unavoidable passing and thusly always end his family's bloodline. He was set up to make it his last show, perhaps to get response for his own bad behaviors and shocks that he had submitted in
0 notes
@camilaar85 asked: in a hypothetical scenario: grissom being braver and asking her out in 5x12 right after her confession, how do you imagine this encounter, them awkwardly talking about their feelings for each other, i would appreciate reading your reflections on this encounter
so i know this answer isn’t a fun one, but if grissom had been able to summon his courage and ask sara out to coffee or a meal or drinks following their conversation in episode 05x12 “snakes,” i don’t actually think they would talk about feelings during such an outing. in canon, i tend to believe their first get-together is kind of a spontaneous, passionate “giving into their feelings and sleeping together” deal, occurring sometime in late s5.
however, even in those circumstances, i suspect it takes a while for them to actually talk through all of their feelings, even after they officially become a couple, both due to their interpersonal dynamics (grissom assumes his actions speak for themselves, and while sara requires more verbal confirmation, she is also scared to potentially overstep/spook him, so she doesn’t try to rush him into saying things before he’s ready to) and also because they are both so individually fearful of rejection.
though they’re communicating love for each other in other ways—physically, through circumlocution, in their general treatment of each other, etc.—the l-word isn't something they actually speak aloud right away; it takes a while for them to work up to verbalizing it, even though the feelings have already been in place for a long, long time.
since the beginning. i have a similar take on the hypothetical scenario you propose: i.e., i think they would not end up openly confessing their love to each other on that very first date.
more discussion after the "keep reading," if you're interested.
so i tend to think the "i love you" statements wouldn't start happening immediately in this scenario. for one thing, i cannot imagine any circumstances under which two such supremely private people as grissom and sara would have such a vulnerable conversation out in public. even if they could be reasonably certain no one from work were around to potentially overhear them, they still wouldn’t want any kind of audience—even one comprised only of waitstaff and fellow patrons, all of them strangers—for the first time they allowed themselves to give voice to their tenderest feelings regarding each other. for them, that kind of discussion would be better had behind closed doors, between just the two of them, probably within the context of some physical act of intimacy, not at a coffeehouse, restaurant, or bar.
it's also just my personal feeling i don’t think if they went out for coffee and/or food and/or drinks first, they would necessarily go home together afterward and end up sleeping together on the first date. while of course the attraction is there and perhaps even a history (depending on if one supposes they did formerly have a sexual relationship while sara still lived in san francisco), so is a fear of being presumptuous on both of their parts. it would be one thing if, as in the canon-based scenario i propose above, in the heat of the moment, they gave in to their passions, and ended up sleeping together before either one of them second-guessed anything. however, just the very act of going out first “slows the momentum” enough in a scenario like this one, i suspect they might not reach that particular "event horizon" for quite a while. that so, i just don’t personally imagine if they went out first, they’d wind up alone together and confessing their feelings later on in bed.
—at least not initially.
rather, in true gsr fashion, i think they’d have to have some build-up to get there.
the way i figure, during their conversation in episode 05x12 “snakes,” sara really puts herself out there by blurting out in so many words she is still in love with grissom (“you’ve always been a little more than a boss to me. why do you think i moved to vegas?”). in so doing, she also places the proverbial ball into grissom’s court, making it his turn thereafter to “make a move.”
if he were to actually work up his nerve to ask her out during the course of that conversation, he would consider (from his perspective) he had matched her gesture—i.e., in his mind, just the very action of him asking her out would be equal to her action of in a roundabout way confessing her continued love for him. effectively, he would be thinking along the lines of, “i wouldn’t be taking this risk if i weren’t just as in love with her as she is with me. asking her out is essentially my way of telling her i love her, too. surely that much is obvious to her.”
but, of course, as grissom and sara’s canonical relationship in later s5-s7 proves, grissom’s actions don’t always speak for themselves where sara is concerned.
she prefers more explicit terms.
while she would probably have a good idea just how monumental a move it was for grissom to finally do the thing she had first asked of him all the way back during the events of episode 03x22 “play with fire,” without verbal confirmation his feelings matched hers, she wouldn’t feel 100% assured such were the case.
and since she had herself already put her own heart on her sleeve once, she wouldn’t want to do so again (or say more than she already had) until she had that confirmation.
that so, i imagine what would happen is grissom would make his invitation—“let’s, um, go to dinner”—and sara would immediately say yes. internally, she’d be thinking, oh my god, this is it! it’s finally happening. do not blow this, sidle! play it cool.
i'm not sure how the exact logistics would work—if they’d go straight from the lab to their decided upon meeting place after their shift or rendezvous sometime later (giving them both time to dress up a bit); if they’d travel separately or together; etc., etc.
if they left directly from the lab, they’d probably end up going each in their own cars. but if they decided to meet up later, then maybe grissom might pick sara up.
in any case, however, the logistics worked out, they'd go out on their date.
at first, sara would be wondering what might happen—if maybe they were going to talk about feelings or hash out everything which had happened between them over the last four and a half years—and she would be nervous and in her head about it, wanting everything while simultaneously trying to convince herself not to expect anything.
meanwhile, grissom, under the impression the fact they were going out spoke for itself, as far as his feelings were concerned, wouldn’t even think to make any kind of grand speeches or delve into emotions at all. instead, he would just focus on making the date nice, putting on his best gentlemanly behavior (e.g., opening doors for her, pulling out her chair, saying charming things, etc.).
during the course of the outing, sara might try to tempt grissom by initiating some physical touches, such as by reaching out to stroke his wrist from across the table, and he would be receptive, maybe even initiating some touches of his own, like moving to hold her hand, back. however, the conversation would never turn toward anything particularly emotionally evincing.
rather, it would take on a very familiar kind of flavor—like the way they used to talk, before sara moved to vegas; about everything and nothing. they'd end up making each other laugh a lot. fall deep down conversational rabbit holes. flirt like nobody’s business. pass several hours basking in each other’s company. have a really lovely time.
and then it would come time to go home. sara might wonder if this encounter were going to end with sex. while i believe she would personally have no compunctions about sex on a first date (particularly with grissom), she might wonder if grissom would and not want to do anything to make him feel uncomfortable.
depending on if they’d ever had sex before she moved to vegas or not, there might also be the added wrinkle of their ~past history~ thrown into the mix.
of course, if he wanted to go home with her, she’d be more than down. but she also wouldn’t want to be presumptuous or to come across as desperate. she'd try so hard to play things cool. not to come on too strong (but also not to seem averse to the possibility, either).
again, here, logistics might come into play. if they’d driven separately to the rendezvous point, then there would have to be some kind of explicit “come over to my place” invitation for sex to even be on the table, and she’d probably be too scared to make it, even though she wanted to, for fear of being shot down. however, if grissom had picked her up, then he would have to drive her home afterward. and maybe if he walked her to her doorstep, as per his gentlemanly wont, she might wonder—especially if he were to kiss her first—if perhaps he wanted to make the move.
while i don’t believe, in either case, she would be quite brave enough to ask him inside, in the second case, at least, she might make some subtle hints—to see if grissom would perhaps pick up what she was throwing down.
however, i think grissom would be operating under the mo of wanting to do this thing right. after realizing how his poor treatment of sara during s4 had messed with her head and her heart, he would want to be very careful to make sure he didn’t repeat any of those same mistakes with her again. that so, i believe he would try to be very deliberate about making sure she knew he wasn’t just fucking around or acting on a whim where she was concerned.
his intention would be to woo her—and wooing done properly takes time.
so i think he wouldn’t make any moves just yet to fall into bed with her. and if she hinted, he would make some kind of polite declination. sidestep, if he could.
at most, this first outing of theirs would end with a kiss.
and maybe sara would then spend the remainder of her free time before the next shift wondering what the hell just happened—how they had gone on such a perfect date and spent an absolutely magical day together but then failed to “seal the deal.” to this point in her life, she hasn’t ever really been with a guy (besides grissom) who hasn’t tried to sleep with her as soon as he possibly could, so at first she’s a bit wigged out by grissom’s chaste behavior, wondering if maybe something is wrong.
but then i think grissom would waste no time in asking her out again, so his interest wouldn’t be in question to her. and they’d go out and have another lovely time. and the night wouldn’t end with sex again, though perhaps it might be slightly more obvious to her grissom wanted it to (but was, for whatever reason, holding back).
and the cycle would repeat a few times, until finally, in a very organic way, they would at some point end up “crossing the threshold,” with one or the other of them making the “come inside with me” invitation.
making love for either the first time or at least the first time within the context of this vegas relationship would be a very emotional thing for both of them. as grissom mentions in episode 07x21 “ending happy,” he views sex as an expression of love and as a means to connect, so once they did finally start sleeping together, then i think that’s where the feelings talk would come in—in the privacy and safety of the bedroom, grissom would mumble out, almost as if he had said it hundreds of time before, with no prelude or analysis, “i love you, sara.” and that’s when she would know for certain, his feelings were equal to her own.
part of the reason she would know would be because, by then, she would be able to see the love written into his actions retroactively—the way he had interacted with her when they went out together, how careful he had been to treat her right and go out of his way to really woo her, not taking her at all for granted; all of that tenderness and care on his part would speak so loudly to what was in his heart for her.
of course, somewhere along this path, they would still, at some point, have to talk about sara’s family—because that step is a really important one in them establishing full trust in each other and really becoming totally emotionally open, particularly on sara’s side of things.
whether that conversation would come about in the same way it does in canon—i.e., because some kind of outside trigger causes sara to react in such a way grissom realizes something is wrong and ends up asking her about it—or because, within the context of their relationship, sara finally just decides to confide in him, as she had originally intended to back at the beginning of s5, i can’t, when speaking in pure hypotheticals, say. i also can’t say whether said conversation would take place either before or after they begin sleeping together (and grissom professes his love for sara), either; i can honestly see scenarios where it could happen either way.
in any case, i think the longer they were together and the more secure in their relationship they became, the more grissom and sara would start to communicate their feelings for each other overall.
so, i mean, your mileage may and probably does vary, but that’s my take on this hypothetical situation: i think if grissom were to ask sara out during the events of episode 05x12 “snakes,” there would still be some slow burn before any big confessions.
thanks for the question! please feel welcome to send another any time.
#answered#camilaar85#asks: csi#**#my meta#meta: csi#meta: gsr#hypothetical scenario#csiverse#05x12#let's talk shop
4 notes
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basic auto insurance quote
"basic auto insurance quote
basic auto insurance quote
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://financeandcreditsolutions.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr
Maternity leave- short term disability insurance?
Is there a private company that offers short-term disability pay? I am not pregnant, but I plan on getting pregnant within the next year. My employer does not offer short-term disability, and the only company I have found that offers STD coverage is Aflac. With Aflac, it HAS to go through the employer, and my employer said no. Does anyone know of any way to get private coverage through any insurance company for maternity leave if your boss is a douchebag?""
Im considering getting a bmw m3 e36 as my first car how much does it cost and where can i find one in Canada?
also how does insurance cost and is it a good idea to get it as a first car or should i get a integra gsr or civic si
Where can I find affordable medical insurance as a self employed person?
I am a self employed person so I don't have medical benefits like you would if you work for a company. I am paying well over $600 a month for medical insurance coverage as a business owner. Does anyone know of a program or something that offers cheaper insurance to business owners?
Do your insurance rates go up when you file for bankruptcy?
Do your insurance rates go up when you file for bankruptcy?
How much will my insurance go up with one point on my license?
I live in California and I have Farmers insurance, got a ticket for a speeding back in December and I didn't take traffic school so there's now a point on my ticket. Anyone know if Farmers cares about one point on the license and if so how I will be affected?""
What is the cheapest car insurance you can think of?
I make $900 - $1000 a month & Im moving out in a week. my rent is $300 & Im going to have to get new car insurance next month. I got quotes from thegeneral.com & esurance.com. The general was 119.00 a month & esurance was 204.00 do you know anything cheaper? I have an 08 honda accord coup. please help if you can!
How can i get cheaper insurance on my 1998 honda civic 1.5?
Every time i want to find a cheap insurance on my Honda civic 1.5 i get quotes starting from 4000, this is insanity, my car is worth not more than 600 and insurance is almost 10 times bigger. I am 20 years old.""
How to go about getting car insurance?
I live in California and I am moving to Texas in June. Im 23 and I dont have a car currently but I will buy one when I move to Texas. I dont know how to go about getting car insurance, though. What is the process of getting car insurance? When should I get it? Before I buy the car? How do I get it (or where do I go)? Do I need to give the insurance companies any documents to get the car insurance? What do you recommend that I do right now? Thanks.""
Is medicare considered good health insurance?
how good is medicare compared to an average health insurance plan?
Any one know anything about the new medical insurances?
Please tell me that my co-payments will be less! I pay $15 for my primary care physician, $25 to see a specialist, that my primary care physician sends me to, from time to time, and $25 for lab blood tests. Most of my medicine co-payments are reasonable. Except two: $60 each every 30 days. Ouch. I am 60 and working full-time.""
How much would a BMW 325i be on insurance??? 16 year old?
Hi. I am 16... I will be 17 in september.. but I know insurance won't go lower for us until we turn 25... :( anyways! i want to get a BMW 325i cause i LOVE that car. But im willing to pay for the car but wondering how much insurance would be on it??? Like maybe for a 2001 bmw 325i cause i like that model.. i like the models up also but it will be more money and would it be more money for insurance for a newer car??? PLEASE help me !!!! I need to no. OH and ps. I live in canada, ontario - HAMILTON !!!!""
""On Car Insurance, do additional drivers have to drive the car?""
Im trying to get quotes for car insurance. Im a new driver and buying my own car myself. By myself the quotes are quite high, around 5000. Ive added my mum as additional driver (im the main driver), that got it down to 3500. But I was wondering, what would happen IF my mum didnt actually end up using the car? She probably would...but I was wondering if it would effect my insurance if she just didnt end up using it?""
Im Looking for cheap auto insurance in NJ?
Any suggestions? Anything except Cure,Esurance,Metlife and travelers. been there done that. Cure is just awful and unprofessional!""
How much should I expect my car insurance to cost?
I am 20, female, in college, decent grades, this will be my first car, i will be driving a relatively cheap car. 199? Honda civic/accord...something along those lines. I live in a very small town. I will only be driving about 10 minutes a day commuting to work and school. i wont be added to my parents policy, i will have my own. I tried doing a free quote thing, but i guess my town is too small, it didn't recognize my address! but from people who actually pay car insurance and know a think or two about it, i am curious as to how much i should expect it to be!""
How much would i pay for car Insurance?
How much would i pay for car Insurance for cheap car that cost me honda accord 2000,I am 25 Years old, never been in any accident,I got my license 7 years ago""
Is Bike insurance cheaper then Car?
thinking of getting a bike cause where i live i dont really need a car and would love to have a bike but i dont got that good of a paying job im also 20 years old and i heard people under 25 have there bike insurance much higher then cars is this true
Health insurance in NY state for pregnant women?
I just graduated with a bachelors degree, and my student health insurance runs out in August. The health insurance offered by my husbands job (which won't open up to me until Jan.1 anyway) considers pregnancy a pre existing condition, and won't cover it. We have been searching for affordable plans, but the only ones we have found that will cover pregnancy aren't accepted in New York state. For all the plans offered in NY that we've been able to find, none cover pregnancies in progress. I would hate to have to use the state provided health care plan for pregnant mothers (mostly because I feel like there is no reason for me to be part of a government program when we are capable of paying for our own insurance, but also because it means we have to go to specific clinics and I won't be able to keep my doctor), but there is no way we will be able to cover all the costs of a birth, especially if for some reason I need a C-Section or the like. Can anyone give me some advice, especially as it relates to the NY state health plan for pregnant women?""
How much cost an insurance car in North Carolina?
How much cost an insurance car in North Carolina?
Car insurance on a WRX or Mazdaspeed3?
I am a 17year old guy and since I got into my early decision college my parents are buying me a car. I like power in a car but I dont want an american muscle car because I would like to go in a direction rather than straight. Im looking at a new (yes my parents are crazy for buying new im trying to convince em to buy a slightly used one) Subaru WRX or a Mazdaspeed3. They are going to pay upto 25k for it so the WRX Hatchback just falls in there. I was wondering what would insurance be on these cars for me and any reviews u guys have on them and if there are any other good choices out there that have the same power and handling as these, I would love a rear wheel drive car but I live where there is quite a bit of snow so FWD or AWD please. Thanks.""
Any affordable health insurance options for a 65 years old thats not eligible for Medicare?
My in laws are 65 years old and just moved to the US (legally!). Because they are not US Citizens yet, and it will take 5 to 6 years for that to happen, they do not qualify for Medicare. So my question is, is there any affordable option to get healthcare coverage for someone who is over 65 yrs old? Because my husband and I are sponsoring them if they cannot pay for a medical (or any other) bill, they will come after us and we all know how expensive cancer or even a simple surgery can be, needless to say that we are not sleeping well at night! Thanks! Sheila (your love life paramedic) www.slumberpartiesbysheila.com""
Is there a way to get inexpensive short term insurance for....?
An item like a video camera or video camera equipment. And say you wanted to rent them to people, is there a way to get insurance for those items while other people use them?""
Is there an insurance company that will insure you after you've not had any for almost a year?
A friend of my gf's couldn't afford it before but can now since she's gotten a better job and cannot find it anywhere. I'd appreciate it if you'd keep the smart *** answers to yourself. Serious replies only
""What's the difference between non-owner's car insurance, and a car that's fully covered?""
My boyfriend has a car that is in his name, and he is fully insured through the car. But, I need to drive it every once in a while and I don't want to be screwed if I get in an ...show more""
How Do I Get Medical Insurance...???
In my situation: I'm 16 and covered under my mother's insurance through the state because she has a disability- I'm moving in with my self-employed father who's covered by his wife's insurance (which is through her job). When custody get's switched over, I'm no longer covered by my mother, and my dad doesn't have his own plan. Since no one can afford 700 dollar bills every time I get a sore throat or tooth ache, what the hell should I do? Advice PLEASE.""
How much would my insurance cost?
I am 16, i have a 4.0 gpa, and i have taken drivers ed. I live in Florida, and i will be driving a 2003 honda civic. Thanks!""
basic auto insurance quote
basic auto insurance quote
Cheap car insurance?......?
I need to get car insurance to put the title in my name. I am just looking for the cheapest thing out there right now, not too concerned with full coverage right now, just the basics. I will do research and get the one that best suits me later but for right now I just need something fast. Geico's rates were over $100/mo for my car, is that about average? Or is there something cheaper?""
Cheap auto insurance in Nevada?
im looking for a cheap auto insurance in NV. ranging 100-150. Any suggestions? no accidents, new driver""
How much does the home owners insurance cost in south florida coral springs?
i am thinking of buying a single familyhome in coral springs zip code 33063 how much does the home owners insurance cost in south florida coral springs area
Getting Car Inspected Late - will insurance go up?
If you let your car inspection sticker in Massachusetts expire before and then you go to get the car inspected late, will the Massachusetts RMV find out that you let it lapse and then hit you with points on your license and/or increased car insurance rates? Would if your car doesn't pass inspection, will that raise your car insurance also?""
Best car for cheap car Insurace?
Hi, So I passed my driving test today which is ace. Im 27 male from from West Sussex. Im looking to buy a cheap car that has a cheap insurance premium. So ideally I want a 1.1l Any tips on which cars to look at? Obviously category 1 cars are cheaper but the actual cars are are quite expensive. I just need a banger to chug to work in, no motorways. Any help would be ace. Thanks Dan""
What is the average monthly insurance payment on a BMW 1998 323is 3 series coupe?
I'm wanting a buy 1998 323is 3 series coupe with 140,xxx miles on it for only $2,900. It's in amazing condition inside and out. My daily commute is only about 4 miles total ...show more""
Car insurance please help me out?
Oh right lol my query is as follows .. In July 2012 my daughter took out a pay monthly insurance policy with close premium 139 per month which was paid from my bank account every month on time for 12 months. When due for renewal August 2013 the insurance company sent her a quote saying payments were 168 per month! In view of this she decided not to insure her car and didn't use it. Shortly afterwards she receives a letter from close premium saying Hastings insurance could cover her for 100 per month but she never accepted this offer. In September 2013 Hastings took payment from my account so I contacted bank and recalled the payment. She now has a recovery agency acting on behalf of Hastings claiming she owes 400 . I can't see how she owes this money ? Do we have to pay this when we never accepted the policy and close premium passed on my bank details without my knowledge ? ( hope this makes sense)
How much would insurance be on a ford ka?
I am 17 just past my driving test and was wondering round about how much it would cost for a 1998 ford ka 1.3litre engine locked in a garage at night and for social use only. I just want a rough estimate. I have been on gocompare and the prices seem ridiculously high 4,000!!! I know I will have to pay quite a lot round 2,000-2,500 but not 4,000!!! Some of my friends have cars and theres is around 2,000-3,000. thank you for any help""
Surgery and insurance?
if my surgery is going to cost me $3,500..and i have a $5,000 dollar deductible on my insurance..then i can't use my insurance can i? =(.. pretty much i have to pay for the surgery..BUTTTT if my surgery was let's say about $7,000.. then that means insurance company would pay $5000 and i would pay the rest of $2000 rightttt???? sorry...i'm just trying to understand this and make sure""
Just checked quotes for insurance of cars and it comes to 7000 pounds.?
Well the cars i have selected are Audi a4, bmw 3 and 1 series, merc A and C class, and cars equavilant to this range, hel me to find away to reduce the insurance to 1000-3000 pounds i have my relatives in here shall i buy insurance considering his nae as first owner and me as 2nd what are the cons for doing this. Help me dont wanna get douchy car.""
Will I be arrested if my parents do not include me on their car insurance policy?
I am about to receive a license, and am nervous about driving my parent's car without being included on their policy (I am 16). We simply cannot afford to pay for another driver. Hypothetically, if I am stopped for speeding or something of that nature, would they check proof of insurance, and, if so, would I be arrested for my lack thereof?""
17 year old car insurance?
I'm a 17 year old guy, straight A's. I was in a one accident, took out a power pole, but was not cited, have never gotten a ticket. How much should I be paying for car insurance. Right now it is $180 a month. Is that high or not? How much do most 17 year olds pay? The reason I ask is that a quote I got for switching to my Dad's insurance company was a lot lower, I don't know whether to believe it or not.""
How much would my car insurance be?
Right now I have a Nissan Maxima that im paying about $1000 per year liability insurance on. But this car is giving me problems and I am tired of putting money into it so im looking into a new one. I seen a nice 08 Honda that I can afford but my only concern is that my insurance will skyrocket because I have been told that I would have to get full coverage on it. So about how much would insurance on a 08 Honda accord be for a 20 year old male. Btw I have all state right now can anyone recommend a nice cheap insurance?
Can i buy contacts online using my insurance only?
Insurance with learners permit in florida?
Ok i'm 15 years old and i just got my learners permit. I need to know if i need to have insurance in order to drive the car with my parents or i only need insurance when i get my license. Please try an answer with evidence and what not, thanks in advance""
How can the government force us to buy health insurance?
I don't get how people aren't more upset about this. I don't want to have to pay for health insurance. I go to local clinics when I get sick and I pay my bills. And If I ever need an ambulance or something I will pay for that out of my own pocket. I don't want health insurance. But under the democrats new plan I would have to buy insurance that I don't want! Its just as bad as being forced here in california to buy car insurance when I don't want it. How are poor people going to afford to pay for health insurance? I have friends who know that they won't have the money to buy insurance. The economy is though enough. How are people without jobs going to buy health insurance? My dad lives in massachuasets. And he's told me how much he hates having to buy insurance there.
What is the best and most cost efficient way to move?
We are moving from Atlanta, Georgia to Boston, Massachusetts. I was researching possibly renting a moving truck, but I'm having difficulty finding the best option. I was considering U-haul, but from other message boards, I got the impression that as the costs add up with insurance and mileage and whatnot, it appeared to not be the best option out there (or maybe it is in comparison to other companies, I am not sure). Does anyone have any suggestions or past experience with a good moving company? We are looking for the best price option, and possibly a company where we could pick up the truck in Georgia and drop it off somewhere in Mass. **the trip is roughly 950 miles""
Whats the price of insurance for a mercedes benz c class?
Im planing to buy a c class in the next couple of months but i want to be really inform before i buy
Health insurance for dependent parent?
Am I correct that I cannot add my dependent parent to my health insurance plan at work And my dependent parent who lives in my household and has no income of their own cannot qualify for medicaid because of my income level?When applying for medicaid they ask for the household income not just the applicants income.If this is the case it is a very unfair situation for adult children who support their dependent parent.Whats even stranger is I was told that if I had a gay live in partner they could be added to my health ins policy? BUT not a parent? Is this really true?
Any ideas on an affordable insurance?
I'm a college student with a low-paying part-time job and I'm in desperate need of health insurance. My main thing is that I want to see my personal doctor once a year and make my pills more affordable. Any thoughts are more than welcome!
How much would insurance on a gt mustang cost for a 17 yr old male?
How much would insurance on a gt mustang cost for a 17 yr old male?
What is the best auto insurance carrier?
Hi everyone. I am shopping for car insurance and want to know the best but most affordable out there. My mother thought to put me on her policy with Progressive and I would pay her for the insurance, but they were going to charge her over $500.00 to do so. My friend has gotten into two accidents and hasn't had to pay nearly that much , and neither did her dad when he put her on his policy. So my question is, which is the best, most affordable insurance? Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you. :D""
18 Year Old Sporty Car Insurance in Toronto?
Hi, I was wondering if anyone could tell me an approx. cost per year for an 18 year old to own a fairly sporty coupe from around 2009 living in a busy area of Toronto, ON. I know it will be really expensive, but I am planning on buying a car. Thanks! :)""
Is New York Life Insurance a good company to work for?
I have been job hunting and got a interview next week for financial adviser. I want to know if this type of job are commission based pay only and do I have to bug friend and family to buy stuff? thanks, andy""
""I need to get an insurance but not sure which is a good one,?
i am a cleaner and need to get insured for accidental damage as i work in the customers homes. thanks
basic auto insurance quote
basic auto insurance quote
Why does my car insurance quotes do this.....?
when I first passed my test 3 years ago at age 17 my insurance was almost 6000 for third party only on a ford fiesta. this was the rough price for this make/model on all insurance companies i got a quote from. Two weeks ago i did a quote for a fiesta hoping its reduced in price (three years later, havent drove since i passed my test ) and third party only was roughly 2000 with all companies i tried and FULLY COMP has been roughly 900-1000 with all companies i have recently tried. so why is fully comp alot more cheaper than third party only? I Have tried quotes with lots of different companies and gocompare and they all came up really cheap. However, today I done another quote on a fiesta I was hoping to buy today, and the quotes have come up at between 1800 and 3000. All details have always been the same- all quotes i have done have been on a 1.2 ford fiesta. so firstly why is FULLY COMP cheaper than THIRD PARY and why has my insrunce suddenly gone from cheap to expensive within the last few days? thanks""
I deliver pizza. I was told car my car insurance wont cover a crash.?
THey said if i have the pizza sign on my car and get hit insurance wont cover me but without the sign i will be?
Why am I paying more for my insurance because of my credit?
So, I recently paid off all my debt that was racked up from an irresponsible boyfriend. My score is in the high 600's, so pretty mediocre....but I'm relieved that I don't have any debt. The insurance I pay on my car is a higher quote than normal due to my credit and I'm just curious why that would influence the rates. How does having past outstanding debt mean I am a bad or unsafe driver? I am 30, have a college degree, have a good job, don't have anything negative on my driving record. I just don't think that it's fair to be charged more than another person because of spending habits; the two (in my mind) are completely unrelated.""
Am i going to get my drivers license suspended?
i was going 76 in a 45 in the state of northcarolina. will i be with out a license? also how much is this ticket going to cost? i was also charged with reckless driving. if you could answer this that would be great too but, how much will my insurance go up? i have liablility insureance and i pay 160 a month. i have been driving for about 5 months and this is my first ticket.""
Wrong birthdate on auto insurance?
my parents wont help me out with insurance, i bought my own car, i have a full time job and i am really responsible. i am 4 months from being 18 and need to get auto insurance for my new car. i live out on my own already and handle everything by myself. Do I have any options with auto insurances that would take a 17 year old in washington state. OR what would happen if I put I was one year older for the next four months than changed it? Does the insurance company verify?""
How much is car insurance per month for a 16 year old?
I really want to get a Pontiac G6 on my 16th Birthday, I`m just curious as to how much the car insurance would be on it !""
Is it normal for an insurance company to need you SS#?
Im 18 and on my own and ive never had to get insurance before. And the best insurance company ive found is asking me for my SS#. Is this normal, not only for a quote, but to buy the insurance also. And do i have to go to the agency directly to actually activate the insurance or can i do it over the phone like their tellin me?.....""
Where can i get cheap car insurance?
How much is car insurance?
im 16 and live in ny and i want to get a car.my mom said she would get me a car but car insurance would be too high.what would the cheapest company to use be for a teen driver?what would the price be?shes saying 3k a month for insurance.
Classic vw beetle 1303 insurance fo 17 year old?
How much do you think insurance would cost me? Item specifics Condition: Used: An item that has been previously used. See the sellers listing for full details and description of ... Read moreabout the condition Year: 1975 Transmission: Manual Manufacturer: Volkswagen Fuel: Petrol Doors: 2 Seats: 4 Colour: Blue Drive Side: Right-hand drive Metallic Paint: Yes Safety Features: Chrome Bumpers, Chrome Mirrors, CD Player, Alarm Mileage: 27,000 Exterior: Alloy Wheels Engine Size: 1,285 In-Car Audio: CD Player MOT Expiry: 10/2014 Type: Saloon, Historic Vehicle Road Tax: 10/2014""
I'm 18 and I have no insurance?
I was wondering, what are the steps to get into the 2010 affordable care act? My parents have Allstate if that helps. Am I automatically covered or are there some steps like talking with an agent of my parent's insurance company.""
Can I insure a vehicle I don't legally own? ?
Can I insure a vehicle I don't legally own? ?
I live in Georgia and I am trying to find some private insurance that would cover fertility testing and not treatment such as ivf OR IUI . Me and my fiance have been trying to have a baby for 3 years and i have tried everything, i finally have saved up enough money to be able to pay for private insurance can someone please tell me some health insurance company that may cover fertility testing.""
what is the full coverage insurance for motorcycle include? ?
for California and for finance company requirement
Anyone know any good cheap car insurance providers?
preferably direct rather than compare websites. cheers.
""On a family plan (Car Insurance), Must all members covered live under the same address?""
My boyfriends dad is a penny pincher and has my boyfriend under the families car insurance to save money. I don't know if it is legal or not, but my boyfriend does not live with his parents (and the address on the insurance is his parents house). He is also is not insured on the car he is driving (his dad is, because he has points)... Will someone please say if this is allowed...so we can put this argument to rest!""
What is the Average Insurance cost on a Snowmobile?
I was going to buy a 1972 moto ski Snowmobile, And i'm 14 and inexperienced on them.. How much do you Figure the Insurance would cost? (I'm not going to call, you don't need to know why.) And i'm in southern Canada.""
Does having a baby increase you car insurance premium?
My wife had our first baby in March. This month (April) her car insurance has to be renewed. We have noticed that when we disclose that we have a dependant the premium appears to increase by 100? Has anyone else with children experienced this? This is just another slap in the face for parents.
Fee to Drop A Vehicle From Insurance Policy?
I just sold a car, and when I called my insurance company to drop it from my policy, I was informed that it would cost $15 to do so. I know it is only $15, but still that seems a little steep. Just wondering if anyone else has had this experience.""
Best Health insurance for a young mom and college student?
I'm looking to find a health insurance suitable for me, a young mother (20) and college student. I did have Medicaid but they're saying I make too much and I'm only allowed to make 188 a month.. O_0 So I decided to just stop wasting my time and invest into my own insurance. My fiance said maybe I can get on his after we get married but Idk about that. What are some good affordable Health insurance for someone like me?""
Going on parents car insurance!?
Hi i am enquiring here, I have my driving test in 2 weeks 7th July, and i am looking around for cars and while i am getting quotes for car insurance they are quite dear at 19 even with a small engined car, i was wondering can i go on my parents insurance which i know can cut the cost quite a lot, but can i use my own car and add the car and me as the main driver of that car and it still stay relatively cheap? i have read up on the illegal action know as ''fronting'' and i want to avoid that happening but don't want to be forced onto my own insurance and be spending hundreds of pounds a month? any help or advice would be appreciated""
Why is insurance higher on sports cars?
I pay high insurance on my camero.But some of these non-sport cars seem to drive faster than me. But I do drive the speed limits.Do you think its fair I pay higher?
What would insurance cost on 98-2000 ford explorer?
I want to get an older suv to use in the winter somewhere between a 1998-2001. I dont expect it to be nice so I dont plan on carrying comprehensive coverage on it - only collision. Can anyone give me a very rough estimate on what this might run? I tried the insurance quote sites but I dont want to go through all the forms. Thanks
I want to buy a s10 but is the insurance is high for a new driver?
I'm 15, im a boy, and I want a 1998-2001 s10. I would want it to be a 4 cyl. 5 speed manuel, 2x4, regular cab, tan in color, and I would like to put flow masters on it, lower it 3/4, tint the windows a little, put chevy extreme rims on it, and maybe get 2 10'' inch subs in it. would any of that stuff raise the insuance? And about how much would the insurance cost in that? Please, anything would help. Thanks, Cody""
Why Health Insurance?
Health insurance companies can't cure anyone, prevent any disease, develop new treatments or create better medicines. Yet they take a cut of your health care dollar, create endless paper, interfere with doctors and enrich shareholders. They can all be replaced by software. BESIDES, hospital care and physician services are not random risks, they are a certainty for everyone at some point of their life. They are also preventable or can be protected against. It doesnt make sense to insure against a non-risk. You may as well have PhD insurance just in case your kid decides to get a PhD! Tell me why heath care is an insurable risk. Tell me why it's not an essential social service like K-12 education.""
basic auto insurance quote
basic auto insurance quote
What is the cheapest way for me to pay for car insurance?
I'm 17 years old, and I recently passed my G2 exam...soo happy :) but now I dont have insurance to drive. So I asked my dad and he said I could get it, but I would have to pay myself. I totally understand that but I don't understand how the car insurance policy works. I took driver's ED with my school and I know that my insurance price is lowered because of that and I'm girl so my insurance would be less expensive than guys but I would like to know what the cheapest way for me to pay for insurance is.""
""Around how much would insurance cost for a 17 yr old girl - im from the UK, buying a 1999-2000 toyota celica?""
All appropraite anwers please, stupid answers are not welcome. Thanks xx""
Does anyone know the average cost for car insurance for a 18yr boy for a firebird?
Does anyone know the average cost for car insurance for a 18yr boy for a firebird?
Health insurance for a minor...?
I moving to California and on my own and I am 17, turning 18 in about 2 months, and I was wondering how much health insurance would cost me? and what would it cover?""
Life Insurance company inactive and I have a policy?
Federal Life and Casualty in Battle Creek, MI is now inactive. My dad had a 5k life insurance policy and has passed on. He has a fully paid policy on file. Is this a situation where the family is out of luck?""
About how much would car insurance be?
My husband and I are stationed overseas for the army and we are looking to buy a new car. (A Ford Focus or a Ford Fusion) I want to know about how much it will be a month/year for insurance. We are both under 21 (19 and 20), but my husband turns 21 in January. Anyone have any idea how much it would cost?""
Altima Coupe SE 3.5 Insurance Estimate?
Who knows what the cost would be for a male teenage driver with good grades to drive a Nissan Altima Coupe 3.5 SE?
What health insurances would my sister and I qualify for in NY?
My sister and I are in our mid 20s. We both work and she lives with me at my apartment. i was curious if we could get cheap health insurance as a group. medicaid? or some plan that we could both pay into to get check ups and health care. we dont make much money. i qualified for healthy NY but never went through with it. Im waiting to see if i get a new job but sofar no good. I really dont know how the healthcare system works. we cant afford trips to the ER anymore for minor problems. I need to know what documents and proofs that we may need in order to apply for anyplan. i just dont know where to look or begin. Im talking at least 3 check ups a year each. Are there even plans for 2 people? thanks any info would be greatly appreciated!
At fault driver's car insurance won't pay for my damages!?
Hey guys and gals, My wife was in a car accident on 10/8 driving our truck with liability only insurance (IE: not full coverage because the truck is only worth ~$3000 and it's paid for). She was turning right and had slowed down to turn (with her turn signal on) when a speeding truck slammed into the van behind her, ramming the van in to our truck. The police filed a report, in which the driver of the speeding truck (an 18 year old kid, that had just left his house less than 1/4 mile away) was determined to be at fault. It is worth note that this happened in front of two different auto body shops, and within sight of the house the at fault driver had just left. Their insurance company, state farm, finally contacted us on 11/8 after not returning our phone calls for nearly two weeks saying they had determined he was in fact at fault and would send an adjuster the following Monday. He came, inspected the truck, determined it was repairable, then said we would hear from their office later that day. When they called they told us the damage was more than 75% of the vehicles worth so it was considered total and they would send the required paperwork to my email address to begin payment. Within 3 hours, the claim agent we had talked to the previous Friday said an owner of one of the auto shops had came forward (all of a sudden, no mention of a witness before) and that he had a notarized statement saying the van struck our vehicle before the truck struck the van. The insurance company now will not pay us for the damages. We tried to call the witness and get a copy of his report because State Farm would not give us the copy. Then we called the other auto body shop and both the owner and one of his employees both seen the accident and say that the truck was at fault, and the owner overheard the driver say specifically that it was his fault. When we bring this to the agents attention, she claims this is not evidence because they know the at fault driver. We found out that the first witness also knows the driver, but can't prove it. Ours is a small town, you don't have neighbors that you don't know or speak to. It seems we are at an impasse, and I have been without a truck for nearly 6 weeks. What should I do in this instance? Get an attorney? Our insurance agency is adamant about not intervening since we did not have full coverage insurance. It may be worth noting that my wife has had back and neck pain since the accident and went to the hospital the day of the accident, the family doctor twice since, and has an appointment with a chiropractor next week (all of which our insurance has paid for.)""
""I am looking for car insurance in uk,can you recommend one?""
Every year,my insurance goes up even with 5 years no claim and same car. Why? It should have been cheaper surely, I heard of quidco,is it worth the hassle?""
Need health insurance for my friend mother please read details..?
my friend mother is 66 years old she is a green card holder she is not working and never worked in the usa she had stroke two years ago while she is in her home country she is in usa now but she can't walk so she need physical therapy do you know affordable health plan for her she is not working her son and daughter live in wisconsin and connecticut?
Cheaper car insurance.?
I'm 17 and I've recently passed my driving test, I'm currently insured as a secondary driver on my Mums car for about 1200. I'd much rather have my own car; I was looking at quotes for 1L Citron saxo's and Vauxhall Corsa's and they all want around 4 grand insurance which is waaay to much. However I know someone who apparently is a main driver on a 5 year old saxo and they're paying about 1300 for it? They're also the same age and gender as me. How the hell did he get it so cheap? I've been on the comparison websites and I can only get it down to about 3800. Any ideas and help are much appreshiated.""
How much would auto insurance be for a 16 year old?
When i'm 14 in a year I would like to get a summer job, and store half of my paycheck in the bank because I want to save up for a car when im older and I get my lisence. I want to know how much insurance would probably be for lets say... a Mitsubishi Eclipse (1990s-2004) or a Nissan 200sx.""
What will happen if I don't have health insurance?
What will happen if I don't have health insurance?
Can a 16 year old drive parent's car without insurance?
I am 16 years old, I already got my license for about 3 months. I do not have a car but I drive occasionally, using my sister's or my mom's car. One day, I drove my mom's car to school and my dad was very upset. He claimed that I can not drive her car because I do not have insurance yet. (There is insurance on ALL cars except my NAME is not on it). Since my name is not on the insurance, can I still drive her car?""
If I get a 2012 car would my insurance be high 18 years old?
I plan on getting a car. I found this 2012 Toyota Yaris for 14 grand. I plan on asking for 13 grand. My dad will split the monthly payments and my mom pays the insurance. I think we have Statefarm.. Its a used car still but I like it a lot..
Which medical insurance is best for the self-employed?
medical insurance and Rx co pay
""Affordable health insurance that includes dental, is 80-20 & is around $60 a month?""
I'm on my parents' health insurance right now only because I was living in the house & going to school & that's going to be ending at the end of this month. So I'm wondering, what's a good, affordable health insurance that has a low deductible, a dental plan, covers the CVS MinuteClinics (though I guess I can live without that), they cover 80%, I cover 20%, & HOPEFULLY no more than $60 a month?""
Cheapest and reliable car insurace company?
how has the lowest quote out under normal circumstances? i know they categorize it based on age,sex, etc. just tell me who has the cheapest insurance.is it really GEICO?""
Can student loans cover health insurance?
I am attending University and I do not agree with the Health Insurance my University provides. The semester expense is $1875 and it is applied to my tuition costs. Those costs are being covered by a mixture of scholarship and student loans. If I opt to purchase my own student health insurance through a different provider - can I pay for it with Student Loans?
Can you trick car insurance companies?
Lets say I get a 4 door acura integra, the most basic LS kind. It should be pretty cheap on insurance. But if I do a GSR motor swap and mod it heavily(turbo etc..) Is the insurance company actually gonna be investigating into these things? I mean, for all I know I could just say I got it that way.. It's stil technically an integra sedan, a car made to get groceries.""
""Discovered a lump, out on unemployment and without insurance- what to do?!?
My little brother (21) called me in a panic; he discovered a lump under the skin of his neck and is terrified its a tumor. He was laid off three months ago and doesn't have medical insurance. Is there anywhere in Riverside California that can check this for him for free or low cost- if only to put his mind at ease? I dont know what to tell him :-(
Cheapest car insurance?
Does anyone know the best deals around for third party fire and theft? The quotes I have been given are ridiculous compared to last year, I'm sick of shopping around having to keep repeating the details then to find that the quote is as bad as the first! Thanks Guys if you can recommend....""
Automotive Insurance?
Insurance designed to protect an insured driver or owner from the claims of others is called: collision insurance financial responsibility insurance liability insurance comprehensive insurance
What is the most affordable small home or cottage insurance company?
I own a home that is 300 sq feet. It's basically a little cottage/studio house. I am looking for a company that will 1) insure a home that small and 2) is affordable. Does anyone have experience with a company they would like to recommend?
basic auto insurance quote
basic auto insurance quote
0 notes
I made Steve Bannons psychological warfare tool: meet the data war whistleblower
Christopher Wylie goes on the record to discuss his role in hijacking the profiles of millions of Facebook users in order to target the US electorate The first time I met Christopher Wylie, he didnt yet have pink hair. That comes later. As does his mission to rewind time. To put the genie back in the bottle. By the time I met him in person, Id already been talking to him on a daily basis for hours at a time. On the phone, he was clever, funny, bitchy, profound, intellectually ravenous, compelling. A master storyteller. A politicker. A data science nerd. Play Video 13:04 Cambridge Analytica whistleblower: ‘We spent $1m harvesting millions of Facebook profiles’ video Two months later, when he arrived in London from Canada, he was all those things in the flesh. And yet the flesh was impossibly young. He was 27 then (hes 28 now), a fact that has always seemed glaringly at odds with what he has done. He may have played a pivotal role in the momentous political upheavals of 2016. At the very least, he played a consequential role. At 24, he came up with an idea that led to the foundation of a company called Cambridge Analytica, a data analytics firm that went on to claim a major role in the Leave campaign for Britains EU membership referendum, and later became a key figure in digital operations during Donald Trumps election campaign. Or, as Wylie describes it, he was the gay Canadian vegan who somehow ended up creating Steve Bannons psychological warfare mindfuck tool. In 2014, Steve Bannon then executive chairman of the alt-right news network Breitbart was Wylies boss. And Robert Mercer, the secretive US hedge-fund billionaire and Republican donor, was Cambridge Analyticas investor. And the idea they bought into was to bring big data and social media to an established military methodology information operations then turn it on the US electorate. It was Wylie who came up with that idea and oversaw its realisation. And it was Wylie who, last spring, became my source. In May 2017, I wrote an article headlined The great British Brexit robbery, which set out a skein of threads that linked Brexit to Trump to Russia. Wylie was one of a handful of individuals who provided the evidence behind it. I found him, via another Cambridge Analytica ex-employee, lying low in Canada: guilty, brooding, indignant, confused. I havent talked about this to anyone, he said at the time. And then he couldnt stop talking. Explainer embed By that time, Steve Bannon had become Trumps chief strategist. Cambridge Analyticas parent company, SCL, had won contracts with the US State Department and was pitching to the Pentagon, and Wylie was genuinely freaked out. Its insane, he told me one night. The company has created psychological profiles of 230 million Americans. And now they want to work with the Pentagon? Its like Nixon on steroids. He ended up showing me a tranche of documents that laid out the secret workings behind Cambridge Analytica. And in the months following publication of my article in May,it was revealed that the company had reached out to WikiLeaks to help distribute Hillary Clintons stolen emails in 2016. And then we watched as it became a subject of special counsel Robert Muellers investigation into possible Russian collusion in the US election. The Observer also received the first of three letters from Cambridge Analytica threatening to sue Guardian News and Media for defamation. We are still only just starting to understand the maelstrom of forces that came together to create the conditions for what Mueller confirmed last month was information warfare. But Wylie offers a unique, worms-eye view of the events of 2016. Of how Facebook was hijacked, repurposed to become a theatre of war: how it became a launchpad for what seems to be an extraordinary attack on the USs democratic process. Wylie oversaw what may have been the first critical breach. Aged 24, while studying for a PhD in fashion trend forecasting, he came up with a plan to harvest the Facebook profiles of millions of people in the US, and to use their private and personal information to create sophisticated psychological and political profiles. And then target them with political ads designed to work on their particular psychological makeup. We broke Facebook, he says. And he did it on behalf of his new boss, Steve Bannon. Is it fair to say you hacked Facebook? I ask him one night. He hesitates. Ill point out that I assumed it was entirely legal and above board. Last month, Facebooks UK director of policy, Simon Milner, told British MPs on a select committee inquiry into fake news, chaired by Conservative MP Damian Collins, that Cambridge Analytica did not have Facebook data. The official Hansard extract reads: Christian Matheson (MP for Chester): Have you ever passed any user information over to Cambridge Analytica or any of its associated companies? Simon Milner: No. Matheson: But they do hold a large chunk of Facebooks user data, dont they? Milner: No. They may have lots of data, but it will not be Facebook user data. It may be data about people who are on Facebook that they have gathered themselves, but it is not data that we have provided. Alexander Nix, Cambridge Analytica CEO. Photograph: The Washington Post/Getty Images Two weeks later, on 27 February, as part of the same parliamentary inquiry, Rebecca Pow, MP for Taunton Deane, asked Cambridge Analyticas CEO, Alexander Nix: Does any of the data come from Facebook? Nix replied: We do not work with Facebook data and we do not have Facebook data. And through it all, Wylie and I, plus a handful of editors and a small, international group of academics and researchers, have known that at least in 2014 that certainly wasnt the case, because Wylie has the paper trail. In our first phone call, he told me he had the receipts, invoices, emails, legal letters records that showed how, between June and August 2014, the profiles of more than 50 million Facebook users had been harvested. Most damning of all, he had a letter from Facebooks own lawyers admitting that Cambridge Analytica had acquired the data illegitimately. Going public involves an enormous amount of risk. Wylie is breaking a non-disclosure agreement and risks being sued. He is breaking the confidence of Steve Bannon and Robert Mercer. Its taken a rollercoaster of a year to help get Wylie to a place where its possible for him to finally come forward. A year in which Cambridge Analytica has been the subject of investigations on both sides of the Atlantic Robert Muellers in the US, and separate inquiries by the Electoral Commission and the Information Commissioners Office in the UK, both triggered in February 2017, after the Observers first article in this investigation. It has been a year, too, in which Wylie has been trying his best to rewind to undo events that he set in motion. Earlier this month, he submitted a dossier of evidence to the Information Commissioners Office and the National Crime Agencys cybercrime unit. He is now in a position to go on the record: the data nerd who came in from the cold. There are many points where this story could begin. One is in 2012, when Wylie was 21 and working for the Liberal Democrats in the UK, then in government as junior coalition partners. His career trajectory has been, like most aspects of his life so far, extraordinary, preposterous, implausible. Profile Cambridge Analytica: the key players Show Hide Alexander Nix, CEO An Old Etonian with a degree from Manchester University, Nix, 42, worked as a financial analyst in Mexico and the UK before joining SCL, a strategic communications firm, in 2003. From 2007 he took over the companys elections division, and claims to have worked on 260 campaigns globally. He set up Cambridge Analytica to work in America, with investment from RobertMercer. Aleksandr Kogan, data miner Aleksandr Kogan was born in Moldova and lived in Moscow until the age of seven, then moved with his family to the US, where he became a naturalised citizen. He studied at the University of California, Berkeley, and got his PhD at the University of Hong Kong before joining Cambridge as a lecturer in psychology and expert in social media psychometrics. He set up Global Science Research (GSR) to carry out CAs data research. While at Cambridge he accepted a position at St Petersburg State University, and also took Russian government grants for research. He changed his name to Spectre when he married, but later reverted to Kogan. Steve Bannon, former board member A former investment banker turned alt-right media svengali, Steve Bannon was boss at website Breitbart when he met Christopher Wylie and Nix and advised Robert Mercer to invest in political data research by setting up CA. In August 2016 he became Donald Trumps campaign CEO. Bannon encouraged the reality TV star to embrace the populist, economic nationalist agenda that would carry him into the White House. That earned Bannon the post of chief strategist to the president and for a while he was arguably the second most powerful man in America. By August 2017 his relationship with Trump had soured and he was out. Robert Mercer, investor Robert Mercer, 71, is a computer scientist and hedge fund billionaire, who used his fortune to become one of the most influential men in US politics as a top Republican donor. An AI expert, he made a fortune with quantitative trading pioneers Renaissance Technologies, then built a $60m war chest to back conservative causes by using an offshore investment vehicle to avoid US tax. Rebekah Mercer, investor Rebekah Mercer has a maths degree from Stanford, and worked as a trader, but her influence comes primarily from her fathers billions. The fortysomething, the second of Mercers three daughters, heads up the family foundation which channels money to rightwing groups. The conservative megadonors backed Breitbart, Bannon and, most influentially, poured millions into Trumps presidential campaign. Was this helpful? Thank you for your feedback. Wylie grew up in British Columbia and as a teenager he was diagnosed with ADHD and dyslexia. He left school at 16 without a single qualification. Yet at 17, he was working in the office of the leader of the Canadian opposition; at 18, he went to learn all things data from Obamas national director of targeting, which he then introduced to Canada for the Liberal party. At 19, he taught himself to code, and in 2010, age 20, he came to London to study law at the London School of Economics. Politics is like the mob, though, he says. You never really leave. I got a call from the Lib Dems. They wanted to upgrade their databases and voter targeting. So, I combined working for them with studying for my degree. Politics is also where he feels most comfortable. He hated school, but as an intern in the Canadian parliament he discovered a world where he could talk to adults and they would listen. He was the kid who did the internet stuff and within a year he was working for the leader of the opposition. Hes one of the brightest people you will ever meet, a senior politician whos known Wylie since he was 20 told me. Sometimes thats a blessing and sometimes a curse. Meanwhile, at Cambridge Universitys Psychometrics Centre, two psychologists, Michal Kosinski and David Stillwell, were experimenting with a way of studying personality by quantifying it. Starting in 2007,Stillwell, while a student, had devised various apps for Facebook, one of which, a personality quiz called myPersonality, had gone viral. Users were scored on big five personality traits Openness, Conscientiousness, Extroversion, Agreeableness and Neuroticism and in exchange, 40% of them consented to give him access to their Facebook profiles. Suddenly, there was a way of measuring personality traits across the population and correlating scores against Facebook likes across millions of people. Examples, above and below, of the visual messages trialled by GSRs online profiling test. Respondents were asked: How important should this message be to all Americans? The research was original, groundbreaking and had obvious possibilities. They had a lot of approaches from the security services, a member of the centre told me. There was one called You Are What You Like and it was demonstrated to the intelligence services. And it showed these odd patterns; that, for example, people who liked I hate Israel on Facebook also tended to like Nike shoes and KitKats. There are agencies that fund research on behalf of the intelligence services. And they were all over this research. That one was nicknamed Operation KitKat. The defence and military establishment were the first to see the potential of the research. Boeing, a major US defence contractor, funded Kosinskis PhD and Darpa, the US governments secretive Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, is cited in at least two academic papers supporting Kosinskis work. But when, in 2013, the first major paper was published, others saw this potential too, including Wylie. He had finished his degree and had started his PhD in fashion forecasting, and was thinking about the Lib Dems. It is fair to say that he didnt have a clue what he was walking into. I wanted to know why the Lib Dems sucked at winning elections when they used to run the country up to the end of the 19th century, Wylie explains. And I began looking at consumer and demographic data to see what united Lib Dem voters, because apart from bits of Wales and the Shetlands its weird, disparate regions. And what I found is there were no strong correlations. There was no signal in the data. And then I came across a paper about how personality traits could be a precursor to political behaviour, and it suddenly made sense. Liberalism is correlated with high openness and low conscientiousness, and when you think of Lib Dems theyre absent-minded professors and hippies. Theyre the early adopters theyre highly open to new ideas. And it just clicked all of a sudden. Here was a way for the party to identify potential new voters. The only problem was that the Lib Dems werent interested. I did this presentation at which I told them they would lose half their 57 seats, and they were like: Why are you so pessimistic? They actually lost all but eight of their seats, FYI. Another Lib Dem connection introduced Wylie to a company called SCL Group, one of whose subsidiaries, SCL Elections, would go on to create Cambridge Analytica (an incorporated venture between SCL Elections and Robert Mercer, funded by the latter). For all intents and purposes, SCL/Cambridge Analytica are one and the same. Alexander Nix, then CEO of SCL Elections, made Wylie an offer he couldnt resist. He said: Well give you total freedom. Experiment. Come and test out all your crazy ideas. Another example of the visual messages trialled by GSRs online profiling test. In the history of bad ideas, this turned out to be one of the worst. The job was research director across the SCL group, a private contractor that has both defence and elections operations. Its defence arm was a contractor to the UKs Ministry of Defence and the USs Department of Defense, among others. Its expertise was in psychological operations or psyops changing peoples minds not through persuasion but through informational dominance, a set of techniques that includes rumour, disinformation and fake news. SCL Elections had used a similar suite of tools in more than 200 elections around the world, mostly in undeveloped democracies that Wylie would come to realise were unequipped to defend themselves. Wylie holds a British Tier 1 Exceptional Talent visa a UK work visa given to just 200 people a year. He was working inside government (with the Lib Dems) as a political strategist with advanced data science skills. But no one, least of all him, could have predicted what came next. When he turned up at SCLs offices in Mayfair, he had no clue that he was walking into the middle of a nexus of defence and intelligence projects, private contractors and cutting-edge cyberweaponry. The thing I think about all the time is, what if Id taken a job at Deloitte instead? They offered me one. I just think if Id taken literally any other job, Cambridge Analytica wouldnt exist. You have no idea how much I brood on this. A few months later, in autumn 2013, Wylie met Steve Bannon. At the time, he was editor-in-chief of Breitbart, which he had brought to Britain to support his friend Nigel Farage in his mission to take Britain out of the European Union. What was he like? Smart, says Wylie. Interesting. Really interested in ideas. Hes the only straight man Ive ever talked to about intersectional feminist theory. He saw its relevance straightaway to the oppressions that conservative, young white men feel. Wylie meeting Bannon was the moment petrol was poured on a flickering flame. Wylie lives for ideas. He speaks 19 to the dozen for hours at a time. He had a theory to prove. And at the time, this was a purely intellectual problem. Politics was like fashion, he told Bannon. [Bannon] got it immediately. He believes in the whole Andrew Breitbart doctrine that politics is downstream from culture, so to change politics you need to change culture. And fashion trends are a useful proxy for that. Trump is like a pair of Uggs, or Crocs, basically. So how do you get from people thinking Ugh. Totally ugly to the moment when everyone is wearing them? That was the inflection point he was looking for. But Wylie wasnt just talking about fashion. He had recently been exposed to a new discipline: information operations, which ranks alongside land, sea, air and space in the US militarys doctrine of the five-dimensional battle space. His brief ranged across the SCL Group the British government has paid SCL to conduct counter-extremism operations in the Middle East, and the US Department of Defense has contracted it to work in Afghanistan. I tell him that another former employee described the firm as MI6 for hire, and Id never quite understood it. Its like dirty MI6 because youre not constrained. Theres no having to go to a judge to apply for permission. Its normal for a market research company to amass data on domestic populations. And if youre working in some country and theres an auxiliary benefit to a current client with aligned interests, well thats just a bonus. When I ask how Bannon even found SCL, Wylie tells me what sounds like a tall tale, though its one he can back up with an email about how Mark Block, a veteran Republican strategist, happened to sit next to a cyberwarfare expert for the US air force on a plane. And the cyberwarfare guy is like, Oh, you should meet SCL. They do cyberwarfare for elections. Steve Bannon: He loved the gays, says Wylie. He saw us as early adopters. Photograph: Tony Gentile/Reuters It was Bannon who took this idea to the Mercers: Robert Mercer the co-CEO of the hedge fund Renaissance Technologies, who used his billions to pursue a rightwing agenda, donating to Republican causes and supporting Republican candidates and his daughter Rebekah. Nix and Wylie flew to New York to meet the Mercers in Rebekahs Manhattan apartment. She loved me. She was like, Oh we need more of your type on our side! Your type? The gays. She loved the gays. So did Steve [Bannon]. He saw us as early adopters. He figured, if you can get the gays on board, everyone else will follow. Its why he was so into the whole Milo [Yiannopoulos] thing. Robert Mercer was a pioneer in AI and machine translation. He helped invent algorithmic trading which replaced hedge fund managers with computer programs and he listened to Wylies pitch. It was for a new kind of political message-targeting based on an influential and groundbreaking 2014 paper researched at Cambridges Psychometrics Centre, called: Computer-based personality judgments are more accurate than those made by humans. In politics, the money man is usually the dumbest person in the room. Whereas its the opposite way around with Mercer, says Wylie. He said very little, but he really listened. He wanted to understand the science. And he wanted proof that it worked. And to do that, Wylie needed data. How Cambridge Analytica acquired the data has been the subject of internal reviews at Cambridge University, of many news articles and much speculation and rumour. When Nix was interviewed by MPs last month, Damian Collins asked him: Does any of your data come from Global Science Research company? Nix: GSR? Collins: Yes. Nix: We had a relationship with GSR. They did some research for us back in 2014. That research proved to be fruitless and so the answer is no. Collins: They have not supplied you with data or information? Nix: No. Collins: Your datasets are not based on information you have received from them? Nix: No. Collins: At all? Nix: At all. The problem with Nixs response to Collins is that Wylie has a copy of an executed contract, dated 4 June 2014, which confirms that SCL, the parent company of Cambridge Analytica, entered into a commercial arrangement with a company called Global Science Research (GSR), owned by Cambridge-based academic Aleksandr Kogan, specifically premised on the harvesting and processing of Facebook data, so that it could be matched to personality traits and voter rolls. He has receipts showing that Cambridge Analytica spent $7m to amass this data, about $1m of it with GSR. He has the bank records and wire transfers. Emails reveal Wylie first negotiated with Michal Kosinski, one of the co-authors of the original myPersonality research paper, to use the myPersonality database. But when negotiations broke down, another psychologist, Aleksandr Kogan, offered a solution that many of his colleagues considered unethical. He offered to replicate Kosinski and Stilwells research and cut them out of the deal. For Wylie it seemed a perfect solution. Kosinski was asking for $500,000 for the IP but Kogan said he could replicate it and just harvest his own set of data. (Kosinski says the fee was to fund further research.) An unethical solution? Dr Aleksandr Kogan Photograph: alex kogan Kogan then set up GSR to do the work, and proposed to Wylie they use the data to set up an interdisciplinary institute working across the social sciences. What happened to that idea, I ask Wylie. It never happened. I dont know why. Thats one of the things that upsets me the most. It was Bannons interest in culture as war that ignited Wylies intellectual concept. But it was Robert Mercers millions that created a firestorm. Kogan was able to throw money at the hard problem of acquiring personal data: he advertised for people who were willing to be paid to take a personality quiz on Amazons Mechanical Turk and Qualtrics. At the end of which Kogans app, called thisismydigitallife, gave him permission to access their Facebook profiles. And not just theirs, but their friends too. On average, each seeder the people who had taken the personality test, around 320,000 in total unwittingly gave access to at least 160 other peoples profiles, none of whom would have known or had reason to suspect. What the email correspondence between Cambridge Analytica employees and Kogan shows is that Kogan had collected millions of profiles in a matter of weeks. But neither Wylie nor anyone else at Cambridge Analytica had checked that it was legal. It certainly wasnt authorised. Kogan did have permission to pull Facebook data, but for academic purposes only. Whats more, under British data protection laws, its illegal for personal data to be sold to a third party without consent. Facebook could see it was happening, says Wylie. Their security protocols were triggered because Kogans apps were pulling this enormous amount of data, but apparently Kogan told them it was for academic use. So they were like, Fine. Kogan maintains that everything he did was legal and he had a close working relationship with Facebook, which had granted him permission for his apps. Cambridge Analytica had its data. This was the foundation of everything it did next how it extracted psychological insights from the seeders and then built an algorithm to profile millions more. For more than a year, the reporting around what Cambridge Analytica did or didnt do for Trump has revolved around the question of psychographics, but Wylie points out: Everything was built on the back of that data. The models, the algorithm. Everything. Why wouldnt you use it in your biggest campaign ever? In December 2015, the Guardians Harry Davies published the first report about Cambridge Analytica acquiring Facebook data and using it to support Ted Cruz in his campaign to be the US Republican candidate. But it wasnt until many months later that Facebook took action. And then, all they did was write a letter. In August 2016, shortly before the US election, and two years after the breach took place, Facebooks lawyers wrote to Wylie, who left Cambridge Analytica in 2014, and told him the data had been illicitly obtained and that GSR was not authorised to share or sell it. They said it must be deleted immediately. Christopher Wylie: Its like Nixon on steroids I already had. But literally all I had to do was tick a box and sign it and send it back, and that was it, says Wylie. Facebook made zero effort to get the data back. There were multiple copies of it. It had been emailed in unencrypted files. Cambridge Analytica rejected all allegations the Observer put to them. Dr Kogan who later changed his name to Dr Spectre, but has subsequently changed it back to Dr Kogan is still a faculty member at Cambridge University, a senior research associate. But what his fellow academics didnt know until Kogan revealed it in emails to the Observer (although Cambridge University says that Kogan told the head of the psychology department), is that he is also an associate professor at St Petersburg University. Further research revealed that hes received grants from the Russian government to research Stress, health and psychological wellbeing in social networks. The opportunity came about on a trip to the city to visit friends and family, he said. There are other dramatic documents in Wylies stash, including a pitch made by Cambridge Analytica to Lukoil, Russias second biggest oil producer. In an email dated 17 July 2014, about the US presidential primaries, Nix wrote to Wylie: We have been asked to write a memo to Lukoil (the Russian oil and gas company) to explain to them how our services are going to apply to the petroleum business. Nix said that they understand behavioural microtargeting in the context of elections but that they were failing to make the connection between voters and their consumers. The work, he said, would be shared with the CEO of the business, a former Soviet oil minister and associate of Putin, Vagit Alekperov. It didnt make any sense to me, says Wylie. I didnt understand either the email or the pitch presentation we did. Why would a Russian oil company want to target information on American voters? Muellers investigation traces the first stages of the Russian operation to disrupt the 2016 US election back to 2014, when the Russian state made what appears to be its first concerted efforts to harness the power of Americas social media platforms, including Facebook. And it was in late summer of the same year that Cambridge Analytica presented the Russian oil company with an outline of its datasets, capabilities and methodology. The presentation had little to do with consumers. Instead, documents show it focused on election disruption techniques. The first slide illustrates how a rumour campaign spread fear in the 2007 Nigerian election in which the company worked by spreading the idea that the election would be rigged. The final slide, branded with Lukoils logo and that of SCL Group and SCL Elections, headlines its deliverables: psychographic messaging. https://www.theguardian.com/news/2018/mar/17/data-war-whistleblower-christopher-wylie-faceook-nix-bannon-trump http://dailybuzznetwork.com/index.php/2018/06/09/i-made-steve-bannons-psychological-warfare-tool-meet-the-data-war-whistleblower/
0 notes
Desert Palm
I was cleaning out my Docs and came across this. It's from over a year ago and was my impetuous hypothesis about post Dead Doll reactions to the revelation that was GSR. It's mostly dialogue, so an easy read. It probably contains a lot of Canon and character violations, but, since they never let us know how the team felt, I went with my gut. It's been an interminable week, so perhaps it will amuse someone.
Exterior Desert Palm Hospital. Catherine and Warrick are sitting on a bench in conversation.
W: You really had no idea?
C: No. I always knew she was special to him, but I thought it was more of a teacher-student thing. When she first came here, I thought they'd had a bad breakup in San Francisco, but then it wouldn't have made sense for him to ask her to come here.
W: Maybe it was student-teacher then.
C: I don't know. He saw something in her. I remember him saying she was someone he trusted. Boy she was young.
W: Do you think Ecklie will fire them?
C: I don't know. He's a fool if he does. God knows Gil's never been his favorite person. I never thought he would ever do anything that would put his job at risk. Not playing politics is one thing but violating a policy.
W: Are you upset with him? For not telling you? You've known each other a long time.
C: I was more shocked than angry at first. But after seeing how desperate he was out in the desert...It's so strange to say this about Gil, but I think he really loves her. I thought he was incapable of those kinds of feelings.
W: What kinds?
C: Normal, I guess. The way a man loves a woman. That's why I thought the only kind of woman who'd interest him would be someone like Lady Heather. Oh..
W: What?
C: I went on and on to Sara about how I thought Heather was the only woman Gil was ever really interested in. I knew she looked uncomfortable, but I thought it was because she didn't want to think about her boss that way.
W: You didn't know.
C: No. Damn it. I wish he had trusted me.
W: You are hurt…
C: I'm okay. (Smiles) It's not like I found out he was a murderer.
W: No. You found out he loves someone.
C: That sounds so strange. To be honest, I thought being a murderer more likely than Gil falling in love.
W: Yeah. Any idea how long they've been together? Did he say anything out there?
C: (Shaking her head) No idea. He didn't say much, but I could feel his panic. All he wanted was to find her.
W: So they may have been together for years.
C: I don't think she would have been dating that EMT a few years ago if they were together then.
W: Damn. I forgot about him. Gris didn't like him at all.
C: (Short laugh) No he didn't.
In unison--
C/W: He was jealous.
C: It feels good to laugh after the last day or so.
W: Yeah.
C: You know, they're a lot alike. They're both nerds. They probably understand each other on some strange socially awkward level.
W: (Laughs) When you put it like that, you're probably right.
Interior. ICU waiting room. Greg, Nick and Sofia are sitting. Nick and Sofia next to each other. Greg apart.
S: How on earth did we not know?
N: (Shrugs) We know Grissom. I didn't know for sure if he was even interested in women. (At their looks) Or men. Work and bugs.
S: (Laughs) Tell me about it.
N: You had a thing for him?
S: I was intrigued. I had never met anyone quite like him before. He asked me to dinner once when I got demoted by Ecklie.
N: Oh Yeah. He wanted you to find Grissom negligent in that old case.
S: He wasn't. I thought he might be interested in me afterwards. Turns out all he wanted to do was extol the virtues of being a CSI and not let Ecklie influence my judgment.
N: That's Grissom.
G: Maybe he was already with Sara.
S: I don't think we'll ever know.
G: What do you think Ecklie will do?
S: He could fire them. I know from personal experience he has a vindictive streak.
G: So a psycho almost kills Sara, and he fires her? Doesn't seem right.
N: You know that isn't the reason.
G: In other labs, they could be married and still work together.
S: This isn't other labs.
They're quiet for a few moments.
N: They should have leveled with us.
S: You almost sound angry. Look I don't work with them as closely as you do--
N: He almost got her killed because some psycho figured out he was sleeping with her. (Softly) He shouldn't have been sleeping with her.
S: You are mad.
N: I don't know what I feel.
S: I think you love both of them separately, and you don't yet know how to think of them as a couple.
N: Yeah. Maybe. It's as if I never really knew either one of them.
G: They're still the same people.
N: You're all right with them being together?
G: I'm not going to judge them if that's what you mean.
N: You think that's what I'm doing?
G: Maybe.
N: Do you think Grissom really loves her?
G: Yeah.
N: What about Sara?
S: She's been in love with him for a while.
N: What makes you say that.
S: Let's just say that as a woman I picked up on certain vibes.
N: Not on his side?
S: No. I thought the same as you. That the man had no interest in a relationship with anyone. But I'm sure he loves Sara.
N: What makes you so sure?
S: I saw his face when the paramedics couldn't get a pulse. He was terrified.
N: So was I…
S: We all were. But--I can't explain it. It was as if the life was draining out of him.
Greg stands up and walks over to the glass, looks in.
G: She's still asleep.
N: Grissom still with her?
Greg nods.
N: So let me get this straight. You two are okay with the two of them being together?
S: I don't think they should lose their jobs if that's what you mean.
G: You know how I feel.
N: (Throwing his hands up) All right. I guess I just have to get used to this.
Exterior. Catherine is pacing.
C: Where the hell is Ecklie anyway?
W: How much do you think he knows?
C: I don't know. But Gil isn't making any effort to hide how he feels about her now. God I hope she's going to be okay. For his sake as well as hers. What was it he said? The only person he'd ever loved. Hard to believe a man can get to be 50 years old without ever falling in love. (Beat) Maybe he had no idea how to handle everything.
They're quiet for a few moments.
W: You said she was conscious when they brought her in.
C: Yeah. And Gil wanted to stay with her in the ER.
W: Is that what that nurse was telling you?
C: I'm glad Brass showed up and took him for a walk.
A car pulls up; Ecklie gets out.
E: I hear Sidle's been found alive. Is she going to make it?
C: We think so. They're still trying to get her stabilized. Nick and Sofia found her just in time.
E: Grissom rode the Medi-Vac with her?
C: So?
E: That's against regulations. I haven't seen all of the reports, but I heard that Natalie kidnapped Sidle to get back at Grissom for the death of her foster father?
C: That seems to be the consensus.
E: I heard Grissom almost lost it in interrogation.
C: I probably would have lost it too.
E: Are you covering for him?
C; Look, Ecklie, if you want to ask me something, just ask.
E: Where's Grissom now?
C: We don't know. Last I saw Brass was taking him for coffee.
E: Stokes and Sanders?
C: In the waiting room. Sofia too.
Brass appears, sees Ecklie, hesitates, then approaches.
C: Any news?
B: She's out of the ER, but they're keeping her in ICU for the next 24 hours.
E: Where's Grissom?
B: With Sara.
E: In ICU? I thought only family..
B: She doesn't have anyone else.
E: All right. Let's stop pussyfooting around here. I want you all to tell me how long Grissom and Sidle have been dating.
C: We have no idea.
E: You're covering for them.
B: No. She's not. I know for a fact no one of the team knew anything before this whole mess started.
E: What about you?
B: I had my suspicions for a while. I only found out for sure about a few months or so ago.
E: And you didn't tell anyone?
B: Not my secret to tell.
E: It's a violation of lab policy.
B: Your lab, not mine.
E: How did you find out? They weren't messing around on the job, I hope.
B: (Glares at him) No. They're 100% professional on the job. I found out by accident away from work. That's all I'm going to say.
C: Do you know how long they've been together, Jim?
B: No idea. But I think it's been a while. You're going to hear it anyway, so I may as well tell you they're living together.
E: Well that's just great. Who told you that?
B: He did. When the ICU nurse told him he couldn't go in with her because he wasn't family, he told her they lived together, so he was her family.
E: They're not secretly married or anything like that?
B: I don't think so. If they were I think he would have said so. His emotions are pretty raw.
E: Good old fashioned shacking up.
W: Hey Ecklie. You don't have to be so crude.
Pause. Everyone seems to regroup.
E: So you're telling me no one else knew about them?
C: I swear I had no idea.
W: Me neither.
E: Don't tell me they've been together since he brought her here.
C: I don't think so, but you'll have to ask him.
E: I'm going to do just that.
Ecklie starts toward the doors. Brass steps in front of him.
B: Not now.
E: He's broken so many rules. He needs to explain himself.
C: It's not the right time. He hasn't slept for 2 days. We were out in the desert all day looking for her. He's still worried sick about her. We all are.
B: Forget the rules for once. You should care more about the people. Sara came within an inch of losing her life, and all you care about is lab policy?
Brass continues to block his path.
E: All right. Let's just go in and see how she's doing.
Interior. ICU waiting room. Nick and Sofia are still sitting together, talking quietly. Greg is still staring in through the glass. We see what he's looking at: a woman is lying in the bed with IVs in her; her left arm is in a soft cast. We see it is Sara. She appears to be asleep. There is a man in a chair sitting next to the bed, holding her right hand. It is Grissom. He appears to be talking to her, but we can't hear what he's saying.
Ecklie, Catherine, Brass and Warrick enter the waiting room. Greg turns around and stiffens at the sight of Ecklie. Nick and Sofia look up at him, uneasily.
E: (Smiles sheepishly, as if realizing he's unwelcome) How's she doing?
S: They think she'll be fine in a few days. She's on fluids and pain meds. But she'll probably need surgery on her arm.
E: I understand you and Nick found her. How did she get out from under the car?
N: We don't know. But she was smart enough to take the mirror with her. I saw the reflection...otherwise…
E: You might have been too late.
S: She was starting to shut down.
During the conversation, Brass, Catherine and Warrick have moved towards the glass.
C: Looks like she's asleep. She is conscious?
S: Yes. She's conscious. They want her to sleep.
E: (Looking around) Where's Grissom?
Catherine nods towards the glass.
E: Still with her?
C: I don't think he's leaving anytime soon.
E: Look, why don't you all go home and get some sleep. It looks as if you're going to be a little short for a while.
N: (Blurts out) You're not going to fire them, because if you do, that would be so wrong.
E: I don't believe you people. They've been deceiving you, and you all act like I'm the bad guy here. There are rules people.
G: Stupid rules.
E: Didn't you used to have a crush on her? I think you'd be the last person to approve of her sleeping with her boss--and yours.
G: She's my friend. I'm for whatever makes her happy.
W: You keep trying to make it sound dirty.
E: I have one of my supervisors carrying on with one of his team for who knows how long. What would you call it?
S: We don't choose who we fall in love with.
E: You all sound like a bunch of hopeless romantics.
C: We don't have the happiest of jobs. Maybe it's nice to be talking about 2 people who love each other instead of people killing each other for a change.
N: Yeah, and we wouldn't even be talking about them if Natalie hadn't tried to kill Sara.
W: Look, Ecklie, we care about both of them. If they have found something with each other, we're fine with it. They both needed to find something. So we're good. You should be too.
E: I don't even want to think about all the cases they've compromised.
C: It's a lab policy, not a law. Other labs even have married couples working together. They've never compromised anything. If they had, don't you think one of us would have noticed?
E: You never noticed they were living together.
Greg, Nick and Sofia look surprised by this.
C: We look at the evidence in a crime. We weren't looking for a love affair. Their work has always been above reproach.
E: You all feel the same way?
He receives a chorus of Yeses and affirmative nods. Ecklie walks over to the glass and looks in. Grissom is still holding her hand. Ecklie turns back to them.
E: (Sighs) Well. I guess I'll figure out what to do about all of this later.
B: Good decision.
E: I still think you all should go home and get some sleep. Oh, good job everyone. Finding Sara I mean.
With that Ecklie leaves. They all watch him go.
C: He has a point. About sleep I mean.
W: Someone needs to pry Gris out of there. He needs food and sleep.
C: And a shower. Look, why don't you guys take off. I'll see if I can get him to go home after you leave.
Doc Robbins and Super Dave arrive.
R: How is she?
B: They think she'll be fine.
R: How's Gil?
C: You're not going to tell us you knew about them?
R: No. But I'm not surprised.
C: You're the only one.
R: It's always been pretty clear they have a connection, but I didn't know. Now everyone does. The Lab grapevine is working overtime.
C: I'll bet.
Interior of Sara's room. She opens her eyes; Grissom smiles at her. She looks confused.
G: You're in the hospital.
S: You stayed with me?
G: Yeah.
S: (Her eyes focusing; she sees the figures behind the glass) Is that the team?
G: They're worried about you. (Seeing her confusion, gently) It's okay. Everyone knows.
S: About us?
G: (Nods) I only want you to worry about getting well.
S: Aren't you worried what they think?
G: I don't care what they think. (Puts both his hands around hers, and squeezes her hand) All I care about is you.
Interior. Sara's room. Sometime later. She is asleep. Grissom is still sitting next to her in the chair; he is barely awake. The door opens, and Catherine enters. She has obviously been home. She is wearing fresh clothes.
C: Come on Gil. You need to go home and get a shower.
G: I don't think I should leave her.
C: You can barely stay awake. You don't smell great either. She'll be fine. Sleep is the best medicine.
He stands up and stretches a little; he looks at Sara.
C: The nurse said she'll call you if anything changes, but she's probably out of the woods.
G: Okay. (Leaning down) I'll be back soon.
C: Go ahead and kiss her. I know you want to. (He shoots her a look then leans over and kisses her forehead.) Oh, Gil, my friend, you've got it bad.
G: (Confused) Got what bad?
C: (Laughs) You're such a dork.
Interior. Grissom's condo. The sound of the doorbell. Grissom appears. He is in clean clothes and is freshly shaven. He opens the door. It's Catherine.
C: You look a lot better.
G: I slept. I don't think I've ever been so tired.
C: Fear is exhausting. (He smiles slightly.) Gil, in all the time I've known you I think the past couple days were the first time I've ever seen you really scared.
G: I don't know what to say to you. In many ways, you've been about as close to me…
C: But you've never been in love with me.
G: No.
C: Well I've never been in love with you either. (She looks around, taking note of the plants and the pictures on the walls.) A woman lives here.
G: How?
C: It's decorated. Your idea of decorating is bookshelves and dead bugs. I was in your old place a number of times, remember? (Sensing his discomfort) Are you planning to marry her?
G: We've never talked about it.
C: A woman living with a man who doesn't bring up marriage?
G: I'm a lot older than she is.
C: I doubt she cares.
G: Wouldn't you?
C: Not if I loved him. (She looks at him for a moment) Gil, if you're worried about your age difference, take it from me, there are much bigger considerations. If you can live under the same roof that's half the battle.
G: Battle?
C: (Smiles) You are so innocent sometimes. You have to fight sometimes.
G: (Contemplating) She was upset when I took my sabbatical and…(almost accusatory) what did you tell her about me and Heather?
C: If you'd been honest with me about your relationship, I wouldn't have told her anything.
G: Whatever you think about my relationship with Heather, you're wrong. I've never been in love with her. I've never slept with her either.
C: I find that hard to believe.
G: Everything isn't about sex.
C: You can't deny your fascination.
G: I'm fascinated by a lot of things. We have a connection, yes, but so do you and I. She sees things other people don't.
C: What things?
G: She reads people in ways I wish I could.
C: She reads you?
G: She knew how I felt in 2 minutes.
C: About Sara?
G: (He's said too much.) Yeah.
C: I wish I had.
Catherine looks around the condo again. There are so many little feminine touches. Sara really does live here. Feeling contrite--
C: Is Sara still upset? About what I said?
G: No. (He seems someplace else for a moment) I want to get back to the hospital. Have you seen Ecklie?
C: Don't worry about Ecklie.
G: I have to worry about Ecklie. He's been looking for a reason for a long time. He has one now.
C: You worry about Sara. We'll handle Ecklie.
G: I don't understand. I thought you were mad, you know--
C: Gil, I'll probably never understand you and Sara, but I don't think you should lose your job for loving someone. Come on. Let's get you back to the hospital.
Catherine walks out. Gil stares after his friend for a moment, smiles, and follows her out.
#csi#csi las vegas#gsr#catherine willows#jim brass#warrick brown#greg sanders#nick stokes#sofia curtis#conrad ecklie#al robbins#gil grissom#sara sidle#fanfic#dead doll
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How much have your insurance rates gone down since the affordable care act (0bamacare) has passed?
"How much have your insurance rates gone down since the affordable care act (0bamacare) has passed?
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How much have your insurance rates gone down since the affordable care act (0bamacare) has passed?
You know , making it more affordable to keep the coverage you want ? Bonus question . How has the Medicare your parents paid into their whole lives improved their ...show more
Auto Insurance question?
First of all, I was involved in an accident. I was hit from the rear and then I slammed into the car in front of me. Im not that smart when it comes to my policy, and I would like to change that. Im not exactly sure where Im covered in this area. Like I said, Im not auto insurance savvy, so if possible, keep explanation of coverage and the location of coverage in general terms. These are based on an average coverage. I need to find the following: The cost of a medical checkup for my passenger The front and rear damage to my car The damage to the car in front of me The damage to the car behind me The total amount of liability protection for bodily harm and property damage Any help would be greatly appreciated.""
Insurance for a driver without a license?
I'm getting my license in about a week, and the website said I need proof of insurance to do the driving test... I don't think they'll insure an unlicensed driver, so do I just need to show proof of insurance on the vehicle in general? It's my moms car btw, I can't find a job, so I don't have a car... Also, I'll be 18""
If I'm only listed as a driver on a family insurance plan. Will the rates go up if I move into Detroit?
As answered in my previous question, legally I am supposed to change my license to the address where I reside. Living in Detroit constitutes a higher insurance rate than that of the suburbs. Will my rates increase if the policy is not in my name since I am only listed as a driver?""
Can my father get iterm insurance ?.?
My father's DOB is 2 May 1947. he is retired from Gov job. i want to have a insurance in name of him bcoz i have two sister dependent on him . so can i get or can he get iterm plan for 20 laks for 20 years.
Are you going to purchase health insurance as required by law ?
Now that the public option is off the table ? http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20091209/ap_on_bi_ge/us_health_care_overhaul Where's the guarantee that it will become affordable ?
How much would car insurance be under my dad's policy? Or by itself under my name?
I'll be 21 in September and I'm getting a car really soon. I just have no clue how much the premium is going to cost me. I'm getting an older car. 100,000+ miles. So my question is, if I insure my car under my dad's policy and put it as one of those cars that is occasionally/rarely used , how much would a premium cost? If I decided to not join my dad's insurance and just get my own, how much would it cost? I'm not looking for sure good insurance because I'm a very safe driver- but I'm also not looking for crappy shady insurance either. Thanks!""
How much is car insurance for teenagers or New drivers ?
Hello, My father is planning on buying me a a car when I get job to pay for my own insurance. I was wondering how much car insurance would be for me. I am 16. How much would it be if I'm also on my parents plan ? You don't have to give the exact price, just a price range. . . And the car would be a regular nissan or economy car.""
Car Insurance Help! (PLEASE HELP)?
Ok So im 17 soon, This is the car i wont.......... 2000 Reg, Augi tt 1.8L Quattro 2door [225] Coupe It costs about 3000, But the insurance qoutes on the internet are about 13000-22000 a month!!!! Its a 3000 pound car, What shall i do? how can i make it cheaper For this car or is there anything i can do so that if i get in an accident i get no money or my cars not paid for, id do that aslong as i saved money.... Also, If you know any other cheap cars, that are sporty looking the this one and look nice.... Link them, Any good help i will donate 5 Over paypal...... Thank you x""
Car insurance cover query?
I have had an ongoing problem with a succession of worn ignition keys that are a pain when trying to start or open the bonnet on my Ford Focus.Will standard fully comp car insurance cover the cost of a replacement key/barrel if i take it to the dealer?
What's a reasonable price I should pay a car mechanic for an alarm certificate for insurance purposes?
UK question My car insurance company requires written evidence from a car garage that my car has a factory fitted alarm. How much should I pay them for this?
What kind of insurance do i need if im over 18?
Im in school right now and im about to turn 19 and my current insurance will not cover me anymore...so what insurance out there can i get that's affordable and i can use for my school...i dont want to pay the expensive insurance for the school...thanks!
What is the cheapest/reliable car insurance company in Miami Florida ?
I have clean record, 34 years old.""
Advice onCar insurance?
which cart insurance is best for two 19 year Olds? I have never had insurance of my own and I have never gotten a ticket or been in an accident. My boyfriend will be 20 next month and he has had insurance but not recently. We are on a fixed income and would prefer to only spend around 150 per month. Any advice on insurance for a 2000 4x4 2 door Ford explorer? It's a 6 cylinder engine..automatic transmission.
Is it true that I am paying taxes to directly to Allstate Insurance now?
Sure sounds like the Chief Justice said so.
On average what does a automotive insurance adjuster/or a body shop estimator make annually?
On average what does a automotive insurance adjuster/or a body shop estimator make annually?
""If I am under my wife's health insurance plan, do i need to get my own insurance under Obamacare?""
Currently, my kids and I are under my wife's health insurance plan. I heard that if we stay under her plans, we will be penalized once this Obamacare goes into effect.""
I can't understand this issue. I have been living in the uk since 2008. I used to pay 900 for the insurance, then it raised to 1200 and now they ask me for 2300 for the third year renewal. I never made a claim and I have a full UK license and an international license for 11 years. I am 29 years old and I am an educated with MSc in medical sciences and I never drink or smoke. Is it because I am a foreigner. My friend is a British and he only pay 490 and he just obtained his license and we live at the same building. I can't find an answer for this problem only that car insurance companies are racist toward foreigners.""
Pregnant with no insurance?
medical/medicare did not approve me. what other healthplans are there?
""What is classic car insurance, what cars are eligable and how much would it cost?""
basically i was told that classic car insurance is dead cheap and im a first time driver at the age of 18 and was wounderung how mcuh it would cost?, what cars are eligable ? and is this a cheaper option also my favorite car is vw golf mk 2 gti would this car be eligable for this insurance seen as tho it is quite an old car""
Getting insurance on a bike?
I plan on getting a motorcycle near the end of February. I have never bought a motor vehicle before, so I'm not really sure about how I go about getting insurance. I plan on getting something used from Craigslist (most likely 2008 or newer Ninja 250/300), then either having the owner ride it to my home before I pay, or taking it in a truck or something. What do I do after that? How do I insure the bike? I will probably get Progressive. Also is full coverage worth the extra money, or should I stick with liability? I'm 17 years old so it will be more expensive for me than for others. I live in California by the way. Thanks!""
Cost of car insurance in bc?
Cost of car insurance in bc?
Why are insurance group 1 cars so expensive?
Looking at insuring a car - in the UK we have insurance groups for cars, I can look at an Astra in group 16 and second hand I can see decent ones for 500-1000, but when I look at the shittiest cars known to man, the ones in group 1 - they are all 5000-7000 minimum SECOND HAND. Why the hell is this? If I wanted to be ****** in the *** financially, I'd rather it be with the insurance because at least I'd have a decent bloody car.""
Lowest insurance rates?
Lowest insurance rates?
Buying car insurance for the first time. HELP!!!?
Next week I can get my licens, and I already have a car so the only thing left would be car insurance. I asked my mom, who is making me pay for it, how much it would be to be put on her insurance. She said $108 a month!!! I know that I will not be able to afford that. I have enough money right now for about 14 months and that is it. I already have a job, but all the money I make goes toward tuition for private school(long story). Can I have my own isurance plan? Do I have to be under a parent? what are my options? Please help. I have until newt Friday to figure it out.""
How does purchasing a car that was subject to an insurance claim affect the new buyer?
I'm looking to buy a car on autotrader and to be honest I really do not know as much as I would like to about cars. Someone is selling a car for quite a bit cheaper than its worth but the reason they've given for this is that the car has been subject to an insurance claim. In what way will this affect me?
How much have your insurance rates gone down since the affordable care act (0bamacare) has passed?
You know , making it more affordable to keep the coverage you want ? Bonus question . How has the Medicare your parents paid into their whole lives improved their ...show more
Cheapest car insurance for 17 year old?
Cheapest car insurance for 17 year old?
""How would you cover people who are denied health coverage by the insurance companies, if not a public option?""
There are many Americans who want health care, but cannot get adequate coverage because they have a pre-existing condition, can't afford it, or are denied by insurers. Maybe they are working but their company doesn't offer medical coverage for them. How do we help these people? Are they just stuck?""
""Average monthly cost of renter's insurance for an apartment in Galveston, TX?
I need to see if I can work it onto my budget
What is a fast car that is in a relativley low insurance group?
I was looking at a 1.6 Honda Civic Type S as that is insurance group 6, but they seem to be hard to come by. They are mostly 2.0 and that is group 11 which is too high as I am only 19. Budget is around 3500. Any ideas welcome. Can go over budget and put the car on finance for the right car.""
Is financial indemnity a good insurance carrier?
Is financial indemnity a good insurance carrier?
Are online insurance rate quotes free/safe?
im trying to get an insurance quote on a motorcycle from progressive.com. However its asking for my social security number and other personal information. It seems like im actually registering for insurance.
Cheap auto insurance in Alberta?
I just got my first car and I am looking for auto insurance for the first time. Which companies offer the best rates? My car is 1988 mazda, how much does the insurance usually cost for my situation per month?""
What would my insurance be if i got a crotch rocket?
im 17 and have my license for a car. i was thinking about getting my motorcycle license. what i want to know is, how much would the insurance be if i bought a crotch rocket? yes, i know how to ride one.""
Is there an affordable health insurance plan?
Hey, I'm 17 years old and I have a baby. We both have MOLINA insurance. But my boyfriend who's 19 doesnt have any health insurance. He works full time and is about to be going to college part time. Well his wisdom teeth are coming in crooked and he cant get them fixed because it costs so much. Is there any health insurance plan that wont cost us an arm and a leg? And doesnt have a catch?""
Cheap car insurance for young drivers?
Ok im 20 years old ands i expect to get my full licence soon. i think a Ford KA is my best option for price when thinking about purchase price, Insurance bands, TAX bands and repair costs. The problem is all the insurance company's i have looked at will charge me around 2500. Can anyone recommend any good insurance company's for young drivers. I have tried some price comparison websites none seem to come up with anything new.""
How much dose car insurance usually coast?
How much dose car insurance usually coast?
My teenage sons car insurance premium?
i did a quote and the cheapest is 6334? how can they charge so much, his friend got a quote on a similar car for 854? any tips?""
Can you get car insurance and motorcycle insurance on the same policy?
I have insurance on my car but i havent had insurance on my bike for about a year. i was going to get with my car because i needed to renew my tags but they told me they dont cover motorcycle. i was wondering if there is a company that covers both?
Rough estimate of my car insurance cost?
Hello, I'm 17 years old, male, never been in an accident or anything, and I am currently insured by my parents. If I wanted to get my own car insurance, roughly how much would this cost me? Thanks.""
USAA insurance rates from traffic ticket?
I received a traffic ticket for following too closely and was clocked at 17mph going through town. The car in front of me had pulled away from the stoplight and was clearly not interested in speeding up, so I had to speed up some to signal into the adjoining lane to pass him. This was during rush hour, so traffic was pretty heavy. The cop pulled me over and cited me for following too closely which carries a $115 fine. He asked me why I thought he pulled me over, and I honestly had no idea what I did wrong. Unfortunately, he would not concede to a simple warning and cited me anyway. I also received a ticket about 11 months ago for not coming to a complete stop at a stop sign before turning. USAA did not increase my rates from this ticket, but I am concerned that they might increase my rates if they find out about the latest ticket. Should I plead not guilty and have a trial date set to fight this, or just pay the fine and pray that USAA doesn't pick it up? Does anyone else have experience with two minor traffic violations within one year and USAA auto rates?""
Health Insurance Ques?
Because he's a full time student, I can carry my son under my health insurance plan until he's 23. The problem is he'll be a full time undergrad until a few months shy of his 24th birthday. He works, but only part time so insurance isn't really an option at his place of work. It would be a bit much to go to school FT and also work FT. Any ideas? Don't want to go w/o insurance.""
On average how much does home insurance cost?
Or if you could help me out further, how much would home insurance normally run on a $200,000 house?""
In the uk what car is the cheapest for insurance?
i want to buy a car but the insurance is too much so I want to know what car is cheap to insure
How much does insurance cost on an international package mailed via the United States Post Office?
I have to mail a package to France and it weighs less than a pound but the item inside is worth more than $100 and I am curious to know how much it would cost me to insure this package if I were to use USPS.
Insurance Rates?
Does anybody know approximately how different insurance rates would be between a sports car like a mustang as compared to a convertible like a sebring? Im a 19 year old in a highly populated area(long island)...Im not sure if it matters but i have been driving two years and have never been in an accident.
""State farm just dropped me for poor driving history, what insurance company should i go to now?
the title says it all...Statefarm told me they would no longer insure me after my last accident. So now i need to find an insurance company that would cover me. I live in California. i drive a sports car. and my driving record isnt pretty :/
I'm pregnant with no insurance and don't qualify for medicaid.?
I just found out I am pregnant. I'm 18, and I want to be realistic about how I can do this. I do NOT have insurance, and I know for a fact that my mother makes too much money (that all goes to bills) for me to qualify for medicaid. We literally have nothing left over, and still struggle. So I would have to pay out of pocket.. but I have nothing to my name. I just had a job interview but even that isn't guaranteed & I'm not even sure if I can work because I am already getting morning sickness. The father has no money or insurance whatsoever. & I am not stupid enough to rely on him. Is there any way that I can get help? *Please no lectures on how I should of thought of that before. No ****. We all make mistakes. Thank you.""
My car under my parents insurance?
Ok i have a hypothetical question...Say if my car is in my name, and i am under my parents insurance...And i get in a major accident are they liable? Are they at more risk if i am in their name but i own the car?""
Does anyone know a cheap liability insurance company for an 18 year old?
Please let me know asap. Thank you!
""My son's 16 and i need help on the car insurance, help please!?""
My son's 16, he's taken drivers ed. he's done his on roads. I live in Massachusetts. I'm now buying him a Land Rover Range Rover, or a Mercedes, or a Saab 9-7x (Saab's will be 06 - 08 for year), or Cadillac Escalade. These would be about 02 - 05's maybe even an 00 - 01. (I don't want to buy him a new car for his first car, obviously) So what would the insurance cost on those cars? and also, put your personal input on which car you think is best. Also, which car would be easiest to fix? Thanks everyone!""
How much have your insurance rates gone down since the affordable care act (0bamacare) has passed?
You know , making it more affordable to keep the coverage you want ? Bonus question . How has the Medicare your parents paid into their whole lives improved their ...show more
What health care insurance I can get that is affordable?
I need health insurance. And I can't afford it with my pay checks. I work part time. I have research over and over for health insurance. And nothing that I can afford comes up. So please help.
Anyone know what insurance company will approve homeowners insurance for Mastiffs in New York State?
I rent on a 380 some acre farm in New York State. I am told that the landlord could not get home owners insurance because of my dog and I have to get rid of him because of the liability. I don't want to. He is a mastiff and a VERY protective one at that if someone comes on the property and he is tied up on the chain (he barks a lot and can look viscious. But once someone is inside he is okay friendly and ready to play. Except one wouldnt know it by viewing him from outside. An insurance agent came onto the property (he was chained) and of course he was very vocal. Scared the crap out of him. But we ALWAYS keep him on a chain. Does anyone know of homeowners insurance available in New York State for this breed of dog, or of another option available. We do not want to have to move because we have a boy in school and we love it here. Any no kill pet shelters or anyone who wants a lovable funny (somewhat quirky) Cane Corso Mastiff>""
Car Insurance?
Can a candaian get car insurance in ark. as long as your candaian license is current?
""What if I am not self employed, but I pay for my own health insurance?""
I am employed, but I do not participate in my employers health insurance plan. I choose to buy my own. Do I claim this on my taxes and if so, where?""
Which of these is the correct Republican opposition to universal healthcare?
A. The government can't run anything right B. Government-run healthcare will be too successful, and private insurance companies won't be able to compete As with the Obama is simultaneously a Muslim, a Radical Black Christian, and Godless Communist argument, sooner or later you are going to have to pick one and go with it...at least in this place some of us like to call reality ...""
Low cost health care for an adult in California?
Could you tell me what kind of resources are available for a single male who makes $1,800 a month and needs affordable low cost health care coverage in California? What does the state offer if anything?""
What is the estimated insurance price for a 2012 Chrysler 300S?
Base price is $33,000 Buyer is 19 years old foreign college student Disregard the location, what is the approximate insurance rate RANGE he would pay yearly Would it exceed $1000 Thank you for your responses""
I live in up state newyork need some help with finding some affordable health insurance.?
I live in up state newyork need some help with finding some affordable health insurance.?
What is your opinion on having to obtain car insurance?
I am doing a essay on car insurance. I would be much appreciated if everyone could give me their input on it and how they feel about having to have it. thank you so much for your help!
Car insurance question! CRAP...?
i got my first speeding ticket today. i was going 41 in a 30 and a conniving cop was at the bottom of this hill i was driving on and pulled me over right as i was slowing down for a stop sign. will this first ticket effect my car insurance rate? i have had my license for 2 years and have had a perfect record so far.
How much Is car insurance for a 21 year old in the uk?
I cant drive yet but have a provisional. my friend has been driving for 3 years. We are both 21. He will teach me and said I would have to get insurance on his car for 6 months. Does anybody no how much this will cost a month. He drives a vauxhall corsa. Full Stars 4 best answer
Best insurance company in ..........................?
What is the best insurance company if I live in Alabraska?
Would a grand prix GTP be unusualy expensive to insure?
the grand prix GTP is a 240 horse supercharged v6 with 280ftlbs of torque. how much would it cost to insure (like a lot, a little, average, that kind of thing; i know you would get mad if i tried to ask for a number)? what about the same question with a grand an GT (175 horse V6) and a grand am se1(170 horse V6) ok, as a seperate question, what if i told you i was a new driver, as i cant say the age on here... >:( that gets good grades and has no claims or anything... im guessing tens of thousands per month lol... Thanks!""
How much does it estimately cost for a car insurance?
Please don't give any stupid answers. All I want is to get an estimate because I have not got ANY ANY clue about it. You can just give a range like 100-200 pounds per [unit time]. Hint: I will get my car when I am 17 so roughly how much will it be annually/monthly? The most sensible and reliable answer gets 10 points for best answer.
""Do you think that the government ought to put a cap on car insurance ,and the prices they charge since its law""
car insurance is at rediculous rates. government says everyone has to have it , and insurance companies are making it almost impossible to afford. I have a wife and 2 kids we have to have 2 vehicles. but i can't afford the insurance on either one of them. now i'm breaking a law. what does anyone else think.""
Best health insurance plan available for 2+1 family?
My family is 2+1, I need best health insurance plan in all aspect such as premium, service, facilities etc.. Suggestion needed""
Where can i find cheap/affordable auto insurance?
I need to find cheap auto insurance but I have agoraphobia. Anyone know of any cheap auto insurances that i could get online?
Ideas for quick car with cheap insurance?
I'm 21 and looking to get a new car that's both fast and cheapish to insure. I have 2 years NCB, with a clean license and I've never crashed. I have looked at some hot hatches and fast saloons. I was surprised to find that insurance for a Golf GTi was more than for a C32 AMG, a 180mph car with 150bhp more! I'm tempted by the AMG, but servicing might suck my wallet dry... Are there any other options? Looking for 0-60 around 5 - 6s, good mid range power, 5 seats, and economy at least in the 20s""
How much is insurance for a 2001 mercury cougar. If I am 16? (EST.)?
With this. I am 16 year old. live in MN first car. go on my parents plan. B+ average. And just no Liability. Not any other plans like coverage ect. Just No liability. Thanks! Oh it's in a metro area too
How much on average does insurance cost for a small business in UK?
How much on average does insurance cost for a small business in UK?
Primerica vs mass mutual life insurance?
Primerica vs mass mutual life insurance?
Do i need insurance to hire 16yr old to work on my farm?
My son wants to work on a horse farm, we have been asked to sign a release by his employer , saying he will not be held responsible if anything happens to him under his employment.. is this legal?""
How do you get health insurance?
how do u get health insurance if u cant afford it my bf cant get health insurance cux the health insurance ppl say he makes too uch money to have it but he doesnt make enought to afford it how did u get it then
Where can i get affordable health insurance for my family w/ maternity coverage?
i am currently looking for family health insurance. if i go thru my job it way too expensive. i also need to include maternity coverage. does anyone know of any insurance companies? whenever i go directly to the provider website like united healthcare or cigna it always directs the webpage to ehealthinsurance, and while yes their affordable they don't offer maternity coverage. thanks for any suggestions""
Which company does the cheapest car insurance?
I have moved house and when I changed my address the Insurance company wanted an additional premium of 298. As you can imagine I cancelled the policy. I am now looking for a cheap insurer I have golf GTI (150) and my new post code is classed as higher risk. any ideas ?
How much have your insurance rates gone down since the affordable care act (0bamacare) has passed?
You know , making it more affordable to keep the coverage you want ? Bonus question . How has the Medicare your parents paid into their whole lives improved their ...show more
0 notes
Can I get a motorcycle license without a drivers license ?
"Can I get a motorcycle license without a drivers license ?
I am 16 and I live in Florida, I just want to get a motorcycle license without the whole drivers license thing because cheaper insurance. My parents are making me pay and I need it as cheap as possible. Thanks :)
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://saleinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr
I'm looking for free car insurance quotes?
As I'm a new driver, my parents told me to seek on the internet for insurances quotes, to help me handle my own things. So yeah i'm looking for websites that offer free car insurances quotes.""
Low but guf health insurance?
I need help finding a gud health insurance.But that is gud but isnt so pricy
Next to oil and gas prices are car insurance prices too high anyone agree?
Whats the deal the government wants everyone to participate in paying for auto insurance yet the prices are rediculous what happened to buying a car and registering it thats it? Does the government think about Americans servival aside from gas, food, children, mortgage blah blah blah............. or do people vote for laws blind folded????""
Trying to come up with a slogan for new auto insurance business?
Can anybody please help me come up with a catchy slogan for a new auto insurance business I am starting
MetLife Dental Insurance...?
Does anyone know how this insurance actually works? I got this insurance through my employer (haven't had insurance in a LONG time!!), and from what I'm reading...it sounds like you have to pay for services up front, and then they reimburse you?? Is this how it works, or am I mistaken? I'm so confused, and really want to go get a general cleaning and exam....but don't have the money to pay for it when I go!""
Does anyone know if State Auto Insurance Agency is a good insurance?
I am looking for auto/home owners insurance was quoted a great premium with State Auto, but wasn't sure how good of insurance they are.""
Car Insurance Help? BMW 3 Series?
How much should insurance be on a USED BMW 3 Series Sedan for a 16 year old girl? It wouldn't be fully loaded.
Insurance question (rates)?
if i get into a fender bender in a van for work will it make my insurance rate go up? the cops didnt get my insurance, only my bosses""
Would I need car insurance before purchasing a used car from a private dealer?
I'm 18, I'll be 19 by the time I purchase my first car & I was wondering do I need car insurance before I buy the vehicle. I've never done this before so I have no idea how this works.""
How much would it cost for car insurance for a second hand classic car for a 17 year old?
Hey, I'm turning 16 in September 2012, and being a boy I am already thinking about my first car. I'm hoping to start work around November-December and am hoping to earn around 1500, which fits perfectly into my price range of 1000 - 2000. Recently I've been thinking down the more 'Classical Route' (extravagant, I know) and found Classic Cars for around this price at www.carandclassic.co.uk I've had my eye on MG mgbgt or Triumph Spitfire and similar. I can afford something like this. The only problem that faces is me now is Insurance. I know that insurance is really quite expensive for this type of car ESPECIALLY for my age. However I have heard that insuring a car at my age is expensive regardless of the type. It's really the only set back for me. I'd love to hear from you how much it would cost to insure this kind of car for my age, as well as any personal experiences, alternatives and any other advice. Thanks. :)""
What are some affordable health insurance plans?
I am 20 years old and do not have health insurance and I need to get my wisdom teeth pulled! So i'm looking for an affordable health insurance.I've already applied for Medicaid and was denied.I need help please!
Im considering getting a bmw m3 e36 as my first car how much does it cost and where can i find one in Canada?
also how does insurance cost and is it a good idea to get it as a first car or should i get a integra gsr or civic si
""Home insurance, what can i expect on a newly built home?""
Hello guys, I am planning on building my own home, i lived with my parents for 3 years so i have some money accumilated. I am planning on a 250,000 dollar home with a 3 car garage and mostly electric components. It will be in a rural setting, in a subdivision or close to one. HOw much should i expect. And it will be 3 or 4 bd, 3 bath, and about 3,000 sq ft total monthly? thanks""
What kind of insurance coverage should I get for my motorcycle?
I have pretty much decided to get an SV650S as my first bike. Right now I am reasearching insurance coverages but am pretty much clueless. I don't know what coverage to get. This will be my first bike and I have very little experience riding. I have taken an MSF course and live in Los Angeles Area. I guess I am not looking for a particular insurance carrier(although it will help), I am looking for an explanations of the coverages so I know what to get.""
Car insurance group 9 cost for 1.4 17yr old driver?
Hi guys!:] Just wanted a rough estimate of how much this insurance would cost? Looking into getting a Peugeot 206 1.4LX. Many thanks in advance!
Which do you think would be cheaper on insurance.?
For a 17 year old Provisional licence driver in Ireland.? 2005 Nissan Almera 1.5L saloon or 2000 Honda Civic 1.3L Hatchback I know the Nissan has a bigger engine and is a saloon but will they think im a boy racer because of it being a Honda civic.?
""How much would you expect a family of three making 40,000 a year to pay for health insurance?
This should be interesting. How much?
Car insurance?
Is there any insurance company ,other than AMI ,that offers a nil excess option. The premium based on an optional excess of nil is obviously higher, which I understand. AMI is okay ...show more""
College student needing car insurance?
I live in MA i am in the process of leasing a hyundai elantra. but i need insurance. I cant use my parents policies because i bought the car myself. Does anyone know of any cheap car insurance companies?
Does auto insurance cover a person or an automobile?What if someone drives your insured car and they have none
If you drive someone's car who has insurance on their car but you don't have any auto insurance and you get in a wreck does their insurance cover it or could you get a ticket for driving without insurance? Would you be an uninsured motorist even if the car you drove was covered by someone elses insurance?
Car insurance?
im trying to look for a cheap car insurance company any ideas??
How much was your auto insurance at 18 year olds?
How much was your auto insurance at 18 year olds?
Average costs of homeownership wisconsin?
i really want to get a small single family house for me and my girlfriend and wanted some insight on average costs of home ownership such as morgage insurance utilitys and so on and whats the average. im looking to draw up a budget and see if it is even plausable for me to own a small house. thanks for all input
Can i sign up 2 cars with the same policy? for car insurance or it has to be separate?
i have 2 cars and i have 4 years no bonus claim, and it was fine and everything, today the insurance company phoned me and said i can only use my 4 years claim on one car only and if i try insuring the other car it would be like no claim so it's like you just received your license with no experience. do you think i could sign one car with an insurance company and the other car with another insurance company?""
Classic Mini Insurance? Help?
Hi, I have a classic austin mini mayfair 998cc and 1989 year. I got quotes before on classic insurance at around 900 from footman james but now they have a new policy where they wont give insurance to anyone under 21. Ive tried all compare the market and other places but the cheapest i can find it for is 1600 fully comp. Can anyone help? ive tried other mini insurers like adrian flux but there around 2500! please help!""
Can I get a motorcycle license without a drivers license ?
I am 16 and I live in Florida, I just want to get a motorcycle license without the whole drivers license thing because cheaper insurance. My parents are making me pay and I need it as cheap as possible. Thanks :)
I have a Suzuki GS500 now & want upgrade. What is the cheapest sportbike on insurance 1998-2006?
Thinking of maybe a Yamaha R6 or R1, Ducati Monster, Buell Firebolt, Kawasaki Ninja, Honda 599 or 919""
What is the best kind of life insurance?
should one buy to take care of their final expenses . What is term life ins? I am in my 60's and don;t want to burden my children to have to pay for my funeral someday.
Car insurance total loss?
I own a 1997 dodge intrepid std 4 dr sedan 6cyl gasoline 3.3 liter 4 speed in fair conditions cd player no rust with 197,242 miles. My car was was in a hail and tornado damage where the hood has a dent and the driver and passanger side have dent and the trunk. I have full coverage insurance and they telling me that my car was total last i love my car and i spent alot of money fixing it and it drives great no problem. So I was trying to get some help from some one that could tell me how much is my car worth so they wont give me less money and if they offer me less what could I do. I am not trying to bew greedy but i do love my car and spent alot of money on it. I would rather get it fix . PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE HELP ME""
I'm under 18 do i need insurance after i get my license?
I live in FL But i don't have a car. am i insured under my parents or do they need to pay for me when i get it.
Disability Insurance question?
Can an individual buy short term disability insurance themselves without going thru a business? Can I purchase Aflac on my own, or some other disability insurance?""
How much does car insurance go up when adding a 4th car?
I'm 17 and i want to buy my own car. My parents are worried insurance will skyrocket up. How much does insurance go up when adding a 4th car to the insurance plan?( I currently pay for my share of insurance each month)
""I'm a 17 year old, I have to pay my own car insurance. What's the cheapest? Can you give me your rates? (:?""
I'm specifically asking teens, 17-23, who pay their OWN insurance. My mom isn't going to include me on hers, so I'm on my own. Give me some rates! How much do you pay? Monthly/yearly, and HOW do you pay it? Every 3 months, monthly, or yearly? THANKS!""
Rehired - will I get my insurance back?
Due to a personal issue my company terminated to rehire me as an option compared to paying $175 a month for insurance until I returned. I am getting my job back but very worried about my insurance. Will I get it back or will I have to go through the whole 90 day period crap again?? If you've been through this your advice is greatly needed.
How much approxinately for motorcycle insurance?
My mom is planning on buying me a ninja 250 for my birthday. I have never had a motorcycle. Unfortunately I have 3 speeding tickets (wrong place,wrong time). I will be 24.""
""Car Insurance in GA, if it is expired?""
i dont know if this is the right category, but my insurance expired and i drove the car not knowing, and i just went to my insurance provider and they said i will be fined? what type of fine and does it add points to my license? any additional information to it that i dont know? it is in Georgia.""
What's wrong with affordable health insurance without a middle man?
We have affordable car insurance and the gov't doesn't get involved in that, do they? Am I the only one who thinks a few of these industries (insurance, pharmaceutical) should be regulated?""
Exactly when will I be covered for health insurance?
I just recently bought health insurance and I am soon to be covered end of this month (december). So, I made an appointment next month (january) for my pap smear. I'm just a little confused about the deductible and coverage rules. Even though I just got my insurance should I be covered for my appt. or will I be covered after I pay the deductible. PLEASE enlighten me. Thanks""
""Hit and Run, no witnesses, lying to insurance?""
So, I was with my girlfriend and we parallel parked in a space which we soon realized was restricted. So she pulls out of the space, too close to the delivery truck in front of her, and side swipes it on the way out. We pull off to the side, see no damage to the truck, but a huge gash in the side of her car. We decide to leave, since the only damage is hers. The next morning, she goes to the body shop to get the damage assessed. They tell her it is going to be over $4000 to repair. She decides to file it with insurance, saying that she had left her car parked on the street, and found it this way, assuming it was a hit and run in the opposite direction. Had she asked me before doing this, I probably would have advised against lying about it, but she has. So, the insurance inspector is coming to assess the damage in the next few days. My question is, how rigorous are these inspections? Will these guys be able to look at a gash in the side of her car, and tell that it was inflicted by her sideswiping a truck, not the other way around?""
Ticket for no car insurance?
my daughter got stop and given a ticket in my car for no insurance.the car is under my name. the insurance was cancelled because of late payment a couple of days ago. us not knowing it was cancelled. they given her a ticket with i the owner name on it as well . my question is do i have to appear to city courts and what do i have to show or will she have to go or both of us. please help i never been in this situation.i want to settle this asap.thanks
State farm insurance? how much does it cost?
i am a 19 yr old female with an 04 kia spectra, no tickets or accidents clean driving record! i live in virginia how much would getting my own car insurance policy cost me (average)""
Can i buy my car back of an insurance company and get the damaged repaired myself ?
Hello last Tuesday someone banged into the back of my car and left a big dent with paint coming off. There is not much damaged but the insurance companies evaluators said that he will have to cut it out and replace it and im afraid they will write the car off due to the cost. if this happens can i buy the car back of the insurance company ? and also i have been told if i buy the car back i have to take up to Birmingham to reregister it ? is their any truth in this ?. My cousin said he could knock the dent out if i buy it back. Please please help :)
If the point in my license won't affect my insurance rate?
I received a traffic ticket for not stoping at a stop sign. I registered and took traffic school I also Completed it. I followed up with my court and my case was dismissed but, I wanted to know if the point in license would be gone ?""
Auto insurance with international driving licence in CT?
I'm a graduate student, I want to buy a car but I don't have a U.S. license yet. Does any one know how much auto insurance would cost in Connecticut with an international licence? I have only heard from people that its more expensive.""
Car insurance for 16 yr old with mustang?
im 16 and just got a 05 mustang, and now im trying to find a cheap insurance company. I want to spend less than $275 a month, does anyone know one?""
What can i do if my fmla and insurance is terminated?
Today is my last day for fmla and my insurance benefits, but I can't afford any insurance. Its almost 4 months I've been out of work due to diabetes, high blood pressure, fractured c1, infections on my skull and spine, and excessive migraines. I am unable to bend over, lift heavy objects, push or pull objects, stand, sit, or walk for long periods of time and was recently denied disability benefits. I need other operations done, but I cannot afford health insurance to continue my treatments.""
What is family floater plan health insurance?
i want to know about family floater plan health insurance
How Much Would Insurance Cost For A Renault Clio 182?
How Much Would Insurance Cost For A Renault Clio 182?
What is the average cost for an sr22 insurance?
what is the average cost for an sr22 insurance?
How much is car insurance for me?
If you are a sixteen year old with A's and B's, no accident/criminal history, about how much would insurance be on a 1968 olds 442 convertible with a V8? Please don't consider me stupid if this is unanswerable, I just don't want to put my information onto an auto insurance website.""
How can I get my own insurance?
I'm 17 years old. My dad can't afford insurance because he has 4 kids and they won't give him free insurance. I live in Georgia. I need insurance cause I end up having to pay BY MYSELF like 90$ to go to the doctor. I also don't think it's okay to not have insurance. So what do I do? Where do I do this? Would they allow a 17 year old to get insurance by their self (being a minor)
Can I get a motorcycle license without a drivers license ?
I am 16 and I live in Florida, I just want to get a motorcycle license without the whole drivers license thing because cheaper insurance. My parents are making me pay and I need it as cheap as possible. Thanks :)
What is the average car insurance cost for new drivers? (ages 16 and up)?
What is the average car insurance cost for new drivers? (ages 16 and up)?
Car insurance help?
Ok so im about to turn 16. my parents said they would get me a car, but only if i paid my own insurance. can u please tell me how much it would be a month. and what company would be the lowest price. i dont know if u need this info but. im 16. white ( someone told me it matters?), i live in florida (palm beach county), and the car will probably be an audi a4. thanks for help""
Car Insurance Help!!!!?
Im 18 years old and for graduation present my father said i could pick a car I was thinking a 2007 mustang shelby gt500 i was wondering what is the insurance rate on a 18 year old with no previous accidents and i was thinking also a 2011 mustang gt and what is the insurance rate on that as well and for the last car a 2004 cadillac xlr what is the insurance rate on these 3 cars Thank You
Suggestions on how to lower my car insurance?
I drive a 1.8 TurboDiesel Ford Escort from 1995, worth about 500-750. I'm looking to renew my car insurance and the best quote I can get from price comparison sites and Direct Line is over 650! This is at the age now of 27 having driven for 3 years without tickets, accidents or claims. On my 1st year I paid under 400 for insurance. I know insurance is going up but this is excessive - anyone have suggestions on ways to knock this down other than ringing them all up, or other insurers not on the comparison sites?""
Which company deals with indemnity title insurance for remortgaging?
I want to remortgage my property and have been given an offer by a lender, however I can't complete without indemnity title insurance. Norwich Union no longer does title insurance due to the credit crunch, is there anyone else who can help me?""
Best car insurance companies...?
I am 18 and need to acquire insurance ... what are the best deals around?' I live in California ... Thanks!
Is Obamacare really the first mandatory insurance?
Isn't Social Security a mandatory fee/tax/insurance on all working people? Isn't unemployment insurance a mandatory insurance unless you are an independent contractor? Isn't car insurance a mandatory insurance for any driving person?
Insurance doesn't pay or wanna fix my car?
a drunk guy hit my parked car and he had a suspended license and the car is under his girlfriend's name. Now the insurance says it cant do anything because its under the girlfriend's name. now i dont know what to do
What is the best car insurance for teenagers who got their first car?
I have a 1989 Toyota Camry thats need insurance so i can start driving it.
Not allowed to be insured on my mum's car because i work in a pub?
Hi, im starting work in a pub this weekend and in order to get to work etc my mum phoned her insurance company (more than) and asked how much it would be etc.. and they said im not allowed to be insured because ill be working in a pub and there might be a scuffle or something and the car might be damaged.... WHAT? are they serious?! well they are because they wont insure me!! can they do that? what ways round this are there? they have my details already, so i dont think phoning back and telling them a different occupation will work because they already know ill be in a bar. Can you please help me out here? i really need to be insured on my mums car, i cant afford my own car and i need this job to work out, but it wont unless i get this insurance!!! Thanks (im 22 years old by the way, male)""
Family of 4 looking for affordable health/medical insurance.?
I am looking for insurance for me and my 3 kids. Does anyone have any suggestions as to whom i can go to to find some that won't cost me an arm and a leg. i live in west texas so any suggestions located in this area would be much appreciated.
Who will give car insurance with a drivers permit?
My DL was suspended and I restored them today due to parking ticket but I have to start all over so I have a permit so who will give me car insurance with a permit need A.S.A.P
The insurance valued my car for 1100 and for the repairs done estimated between 900-1000?
someone crash in my side of the car.will the insurance company pay for the repair it or give me a check for the value of my car. i want to know because it was last week and now since next monday my mot runs out. there are 3 things to need fixed to past the mot and i want to know if to waste the money to do it if it is going to be write off. i was told by my brother i could get paid from the insurance the value of teh car
Which are the cheapest car to insurance in Canada?
Hello: Planing to buy a car, but I will considered a car that is cheaper to insure, any suggestion? Thank you in advanced""
Getting married. Will I lose my car insurance if under my mom's policy?
I am living at home now and I am under her insurance policy and the car is in her name. Will they terminate my policy if I get married and move out? Can I put the car under my fiance's insurance even though the car is in her name?
Is there a big defference between the quote and final price of car insurance?
If I get a quote fro geico $300 a month, how much will I be paying for my actual monthly bill? Will there be a difference at all?""
Do you need medical on your auto insurance?
Yesterday I purchased a new auto insurance policy. I was convinced by the rep that I needed an optional medical provision for $5,000 dollars worth of coverage in case of an accident. She said that if I didn't get the medical coverage, I would have to inform my health insurance provider that they held the primary responsibility in case of an accident and that many health insurance plans will not accept this. My family has really good health insurance--do we really need medical coverage on our auto insurance, too?""
On average how much is car insurance at 17?
on average for a ford ka 2000 a student girl driver (please dont recommend for me to go on go compare etc as i havent got the time thanks full points for best answer
Are there any crotch rockets or street bikes in which i could get cheap insurance for?
Are there any crotch rockets or street bikes in which i could get cheap insurance for?
Why is Health insurance a must for your parents?
Health Insurance a must for your parents
Car insurance question?
I only need to drive for 1 month. Could i be added to my dad's car insurance for only one month or do i need to do 6 month minimum etc
How much for motorcycle insurance??
I've tried goind to ceico and progressive but no luck. I just want a ball park quote for a 19yr old. I want the 2008 kawasaki ninja 250r since its a good first bike to start with and its cheap. I am planning on taking the safety class course so hopefully it won't be that much and I'm only going to ride it on the weekends for fun, not as a daily driver. what would be a good estimate for a 1 year insurance?? I want one year so I won't have to pay every month and worry about not being able to pay my truck as well. thanks for your experience.""
Motorcycle insurance?
my motorcycle insurance policy is about to expire next month, so im just looking into companies/experiences to see if i should switch (since getting quotes isnt as easy as they make it sound!!). ive been with progressive for a year and pay 93$ a month. i was honest when i joined and said i had less than a year of experience-- i'd literally learned how to ride right before signing up with them, though because i learned with one of those motorcycle safety courses, i got a small discount with them. so, now, i have a year of experience as well as a year of owning my bike (which i paid for in full and am the sole owner of). i'm 20 year old female, have a kawasaki ninja 500r, use it for pleasure purposes. my driving history, unfortunately, is not pristine. in 2009 i got a speeding violation for MORE than 10mph over the speed limit (that was in my car), and last month, sadly, i was in an accident that was my fault (also in car) (no injuries). i havent had any infractions on the bike. i have a motorcycle endorsement on my license and, as i said, passed a motorcycle safety foundation course. i got a quote with geico, and their prices were really just obscene. so, basically, i just want to hear from other ppl who deal with the same thing. how much do you pay for bike insurance? have any good recommendations for companies? what companies are known for being a little bit more forgiving about accidents, seeing as i just had one (again, in my car, not my bike, but i know it matters). any tips, etc? i know being young and not having a lot of experience are not on my side, just thought id try :)""
Cheap insurance sites?
Cheap insurance sites?
Will my car insurance be cheaper if I have a motorcycle licence?
I have always been put off learning to drive and buy a car due to the stupidly high insurance prices for first time drivers. The thing is, I have a full motorcycle licence. I have been riding on the road for about 4 years with no accident. Will this be taken in to account when I take out car insurance for the first time and will it make a huge difference to the amount I pay?""
Can I get a motorcycle license without a drivers license ?
I am 16 and I live in Florida, I just want to get a motorcycle license without the whole drivers license thing because cheaper insurance. My parents are making me pay and I need it as cheap as possible. Thanks :)
""Whats so affordable about $6,000 deductibles and over $500 a month for one persons health insurance?
When can we expect the $2500 in savings Obama told us back when he was trying to get ACA passed?
How much does car insurance cost for a 18 year old?
I can get my license anytime now. North Carolina doesn't offer good student discount. I'm Asian, will be driving my dad's 2000 Ford Windstar with 70,000 miles. My dad says that adding me on to his Allstate account would cost 1100 every six months. That sounds a little exaggerated. Is there anywhere else where I can find cheaper insurance?""
Do auto insurance companies actually confirm the info you provide for the quote?
After requesting a quote online, you anto insurance companies actually confirm that all the info u gave are true? For example; moving violations, actual address? Does the DMV verify this info?""
Anyone know of any affordable dental insurance? ?
i work full time, and want to have some dental work done, i was looking online, not having any luck.""
When can I get my auto insurance after applying for it?
Right now I am having G1 licence and bought a car. My G1 exit test is on June 5,2007. Can I apply as registered owner having G1 and add primary driver who's having G licence? How long will it take to get insurance? Also please provide cheap auto insurance provider's name. Thank you so much for your help. :-)""
Average monthly Life Insurance Bill?
doing a project in Personal finance...could someone help me out?
How much will insurance cost for these cars?
How much will insurance cost for a 16 year old boy for the following cars. Mustang GT Mustang (V6) Toyota Tacoma Please no answers like You don't need a GT or too much for you money is not a problem for me (not that its any of your freaking business) i just would like to know.
UK. Do you need insurance to learn to drive with your parents car?
i have my provisional Is the insurance expensive?
Is moped insurance cheaper than car insurance?
i need an easier way to get around town but until i can afford a car i was thinking if i learned to ride a scooter instead it might make things more simple but are they cheaper to run than cars
Is there such thing as temporary car insurance?
My grandparents are coming from montreal and staying for a couple months. I was told by my grandfather that I could use the car they drove down in while they are staying with me. Seeing as I'm not apart of their insurance policy, is there any way to purchase temporary auto insurance? I doubt it exists, but I guess its almost like renting a car and buying temporary insurance. Im confused can someone help?""
Insurance rates for 17 yr olds?
Since insurance rates are ridiculously high for new drivers like me, I was thinking that if my parents could possibly buy a car for me to drive but put it under their name, and have it insured under their name so its cheaper since they're much older and have a lower insurance rate than I would. But I heard someone said that somehow insurance companies find this out and somehow find a way around this so the tactic i just suggested won't work. Anybody have any experience with this?""
So how long and how much will this type of insurance cost ?
So how long and how much will this type of insurance cost ?
Wich is is best life insurance ?
wich is is best life insurance ? MY AGE IS 32
PLEASE ANSWER!!!!!!!! discounts on insurance?
SO IM 18 YEARS OLD, I HAVE MY LICENSE... AND I WANT TO GET A CAR SOON. PREFERBALY AN 2006 ACURA RSX COUPE (i know coupes are alot more expensive...) but i was wondering if i can get ...show more""
Will the insurance company declare my car totaled ?
Well, someone hit my car yesterday early in my parking lot, (((seems to be a DUI, not sure!))), the police came and fill the report... now we sent the car to the body shop and they said that the repairs will cost around $ 12.000 maybe more.... Now, the car price was $ 25.000, we bought it 2 years ago and we checked in the blue book the actual cost and it is around $16.000... my question is, do you think the insurance company will declare my car totaled ??? The body shop guy told us that the car will lose 70% of his price because of the accident even if it is repaired... If the car will lose 70% of his value if it is repaired, and the insurance company decide anyways to fix it, what we can do ??? Pd. The hit wasn't our fault at all, it was in our parking lot and this crazy drunk driver just run over it :(...""
I need help with car insurance please!?
Ok here's the deal, im 18 yrs old and i currently financed a vehicle with the assistance of my mom. I agreed to pay for the car and most of the insurance. I financed the car with the plan of paying only general liability car insurance. After signing the car from the used car dealer, it came to my knowledge that i will have to get FULL coverage auto insurance. The reason behind this is because i need to protect the auto loan that i got to finance the vechicle. It is impossible for me to pay for full coverage of this vehicle as i called for a qoute and learned that i would have to pay an insane 300-400 a month. I dont know what to do, im going back to the dealer to explain the situation and hope he will be willing to get the car back. If the dealer wont agree to get it back, what are my options? Can i sell the car privately and pay off the loan with the money i get from selling it? My goal is to just buy a really cheap car straight up and only pay for general liability insurance. Help!""
Do you know who offers the best insurance rates for BMWs?
We are trying to update our club policy for members.
""I'm about to take my driving test & want to buy a new car, any recommendations for cheap purchase & insurance?""
I'm about to take my driving test & want to buy a new car, any recommendations for cheap purchase & insurance?""
$646/month for motorcycle insurance in Ontario? :( pleaseee help?
I live in Ontario, 18, have an M1 (planning on taking the safety course and getting M2 soon) and I just called the insurance company to get a quote...they told me it's 8 payments of $646 for full coverage..and apparently it's this expensive because I'm leasing/financing the motorcycle (it's a ninja 250r). This is crazyyyy I can't afford it, does anyone know what I can do? know any cheap insurance companies?""
Can AAA raise my Homeowners insurance rate by $300 for the next 3 years?
My property was stolen from the backseat of my car. AAA is saying if they pay out more than $750 (including my co-pay) then my Homeowners insurance will be raised by $300 for the next 3 years and it will be a point on my property. Is this right/legal??
Classic Car As A Daily Driver In Michigan?
I'm a hot rod & kustom guy, have building and restoring old cars for awhile now..love the looks of em and the feeling I get driving them, I'm opening up my own shop soon too. I drive a 2001 Grand Am GT and it's about to die 190,000 miles needs tires, brakes, bearings, engines making noises but for the price I paid and miles I put on it, it worked well. Now I need a new daily drive to school 72 miles round trip 2-3 times a week. I live in Michigan, was wondering what it would be like to drive an classic car as a daily...say a 1958 Chevy Bel Air with a 283 motor...the insurance is cheaper, easier to fix and find parts..but may be more in gas...just wondering if anyone drives a classic everyday and how is it in the winter...I'd have to figure out heat some how. I have many cars 1968 Caddy Deville on air bags, 1930 Model A Coupe hot rod, 1951 Mercury custom, 1956 Cadillac Deville...etc""
Would a MINI COOPER 1275 CLASSIC be a good first car?
I will be 17 in July and soon after will be learning to drive. My dad said he will get me a car for my birthday. I really like this model of a classic mini and the ones I have been looking at are going for about 640+ but I am willing to pay about 1000 (maybe a little more!! ) for one. I am aware that Classic Minis are going up in price. Will this be a good car for a new driver??
Car insurance in another state?
i was wondering if your car is register in one state can you get insurance on it in another state w/o registering it in that state?
19yrs old car insurance?
Im 19yrs old and I got into a bad car accident when I was 15/16 yrs old. It was my fault so I went to court and they told me if I do community service and take a drivers ed class it will be cleared. As if the accident never happened. So now I want to get my own car insurance since I don't have anyone to get it for me. Will it so show that I got into a car accident ? Do I answer yes I've been in a car accident in the last 5 years? This has been the only car accident I've had so far.
How much does flood insurance cost?
How much does flood insurance cost, as well as wind insurance?""
Can I get a motorcycle license without a drivers license ?
I am 16 and I live in Florida, I just want to get a motorcycle license without the whole drivers license thing because cheaper insurance. My parents are making me pay and I need it as cheap as possible. Thanks :)
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